homemade attractant

willis smith

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do any of yall know of any homemade deer attractants that really do show results.(i have heard putting peanut butter on cypress knees works, salt water on cypress knees, and vanilla melted by candles but i ahve not tried any of these.) also do yall know of anything like fruits that work good for getting deer to come to where ya want them. please tell what yall know.

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Welcome to the Realtree forums Willis.

Much of urine is ammonia based. Pouring ammonia out and making a mock scrape works. With one quart I made 4 scrapes and almost always... it piques a deers curiosity and gets them to stand long enough to settle your pin on that lung.

Now food attractants are whole 'nother story.

I hunt a apple orchard occasionally, and you will never see me there without a hot thermos of apple cider.

Deer like molasses, so any of that on a stump where allowed. would work also.

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I've made a habit out of drinking alot of Apple Juice for when I know I'm hunting near an apple orchard...homemade scent when I have to go;)

I've heard of people using Vanilla before, just dripping it out of a bottle onto brush, as a curiosity scent...but like any other scent anything you use only works part of the time.

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