Where should I hunt?

Ethan Givan

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This weekend is Muzzleloader season here in KY. The weather is going to be perfect for this weekend, the temps are going to be a lot colder than they have been. The problem is I cant decide where I should hunt. One spot is down in a creek bottom. There is woods all around the bottom except for two small fields that are divided by a small creek.The larger field which is about an acre is really growed up with weeds and grass as tall as my waist. All along the creek is really thick too. The other spot is in a holler that is mostly hardwoods with some thick underbrush in places. the only sign I have found here is 4 or 5 rubs about 100 yards from where the stand is. In the creek bottom all I found as far as deer sign is a couple places where they cross the creek and a couple trails through the growed up field. A North or west wind will work well for both of these spots which is the direction the wind will probably be coming from. where do you all think I should hunt?

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How is the acorn crop--if any--in your area? If you can find an area that has dropped alot, i would locate a stand site off of any trail coming or going if you can find them. We were up in TN this weekend and all of the deer we saw (not hunting) where in the acorns and very, very few in the plots.

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get in the best and closest tree to the creek crossing. If the wind isn't in your favor - try to get in that tree a little bit higher. Go scent free. don't worry about how the wind is "exactly" cause the wind changes direction near a river or creek especially if it is deep (that doesn't mean if there is a lot of water, I mean if the ground actually has a decent grade before you get to the water - even a foot or two)

I'd get in that tree as early as possible. If there isn't much sign, then you are almost guaranteed that deer will be passing - I'm guessing that they don't have too many commonly used alternate routes. They feel comfortable crossing there all the time - so that is where you should be.

I hunted a similar spot a few years ago. Sat on the ground (shotgun season) off to the side behind some fallen trees and high weeds. A 9 pointer walked the path parallel to the creek and stopped right behind me. Wind was in my direction and the 3 1/2 - 4 1/2 year old was less than 15 feet from me.

I shot him and have posted a picture of him below. Good Luck!


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