Good enough for Deer?

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I have a hawken style sidehammer .54 cal. muzzeloader and I just got it sighted in last night. I used 75 grains of pyrodex rs and sabots. At fifty yards with open sights I could group my shots in about a three inch circle. Muzzeloader season starts this weekend and I want to hunt with my gun. Do you guys who know alot about muzzeloaders think that my set up will cleanly take a deer. I would keep my shots to 75 yards or less. I appreciate any advice.

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Oh yes your set up will do the job. With a 54 cal and the groups you claim it will be very adequate to about 75 yds. Do you know what the rate of twist is in your rifle. It should be marked on the barrel as 1:28. 1:48 etc. The reason I ask is if it is not 1:28 you may get better accuracy with a full bore size lead bullet. If it is 1:28 then shooting a sabot is fine as this rate of twist is designed for them. If the rate is 1:48 then it usually is best suited for the bore sized conicals and possibly the patched round ball.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have been shooting side lock muzzle loaders for twenty years and just recently switched to an inline for hunting.

I can tell you from experience that a 54 cal shooting the way that you say yours does will take a deer quickly and ethically with ease. Go and hunt with supreme confidence and the best of luck with the big one.

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