Get together for next year??? Trying to think ahead..


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Ok so was drivn home today and got to thinkin.... Would anyone be intrested in have'n a get together at this years Illinois deer expo?? Not sure on the dates, but just wanted to kinda put this out there. I have been goin to it for about the last 5 years or so. ANYONE can come. Would be pretty cool to make this a yearly thing and have it in different states everyear. I kinda figured it would be nice to keep it in a "central location" I know we can't make everyone happy be we can try out very best!! We could have hats or shirts or both made. I also think it we be kinda neat and this may be a lil out there for some but.... Since most of the people that frequent this site are regulars and most of them help out with either auctions or help contribute in whatever way they can, I think it would be cool to maybe set something up like some type of scholarship or something of that sort. Yes there would half to be restrictions.. One maybe being you half to be a forum member or immediate family of a member. Now the first question that came to my mind was well who would hold the money for this. Well I dunno how they feel about this at realtree but if they would hold the money in a account or something to that affect. I dunno. I was also thinking that to make it hunting related, that it should go to someone going into the field of the outdoors. The scholarship maybe out there a lil bit but its just something that I was thinking about. Im sure there will be some for and against this. Like I said it's just something that I was thinking about, and figured it couldn't hurt to bring it up. I will say I have NOT talked to ANYONE at realtree about this, and I dunno if they would even do anything like that. I just wanted to clear the air, and once again I have NOT talked to anyone at realtree about this matter.

Lets hear what you all have to say about either one of these things. Go easy on me please :)

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Well for the get together I was thinking just like a fellowship thing, hang out at the deer expo, grab some dinner and maybe sit around either at the hotel or find a local watering hole or something. I don't know about anyone else but if anyone wants to start planning a hunt for next year in Illinois i'm not opposed to that either. I know we talked this year about doing a hunt at Cedar Glen in Hancock county Ill but that kinda fell through. I go down there and hunt all the time so I would be more then happy to do that as well. Details on the hunt... It's open to the public so its free. Only thing you would need is to buy a Ill. Lic. and tags. I can get more info on those for whoever needs them. Other then that there are hotels within ten minutes of the hunting area. Holiday inn's ect. I know I have talked with a few guys through PM about going there whenever they can work it in. I'm not opposed to that either, but think it would be really cool to have a group of guys. For the get together I thought it would be fun to have a get together at either the IL. or WI. Deer expos. Or if people want to, we can do both. I'm sure Randy would be in for the WI expo :D. Let me know what you guys think. I'm pretty sure the IL expo is in Feb. or March. I'm trying to put this stuff out now so people have enough time to plan. Any feedback or ideas anyone has would be great!

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Well for the get together I was thinking just like a fellowship thing, hang out at the deer expo, grab some dinner and maybe sit around either at the hotel or find a local watering hole or something. I don't know about anyone else but if anyone wants to start planning a hunt for next year in Illinois i'm not opposed to that either. I know we talked this year about doing a hunt at Cedar Glen in Hancock county Ill but that kinda fell through. I go down there and hunt all the time so I would be more then happy to do that as well. Details on the hunt... It's open to the public so its free. Only thing you would need is to buy a Ill. Lic. and tags. I can get more info on those for whoever needs them. Other then that there are hotels within ten minutes of the hunting area. Holiday inn's ect. I know I have talked with a few guys through PM about going there whenever they can work it in. I'm not opposed to that either, but think it would be really cool to have a group of guys. For the get together I thought it would be fun to have a get together at either the IL. or WI. Deer expos. Or if people want to, we can do both. I'm sure Randy would be in for the WI expo :D. Let me know what you guys think. I'm pretty sure the IL expo is in Feb. or March. I'm trying to put this stuff out now so people have enough time to plan. Any feedback or ideas anyone has would be great!

The Expo this year was in Feb and I think it might have been right here in Bloomington. If that's the case, I'd for sure make it.. It's like a 5 minute drive from my apartment. Not sure where it's gonna be this year, but if it's close and I'm not busy, i'd def come.

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Why don't we just make it for Sept next year and come to my house for the weekend and kill a few geese, have a couple big fires, eat like kings, have a few cocktails, and tell lots of stories? ;)

I'm gonna need your address ASAP :D

And I'd love to meet up at the convention, BUT this year I'm going to be out of town when it's going on. It's pretty sweet for anyone who hasn't been there. There's some BIG deer.

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Hey Randy,

Thats good with me, I will be at both the ILL expo and the WI expo, the only thing I'm wondering is.... I'm one of the lucky ones that gets to go on the Lope hunt next Sept, with Steve and the gang, so..... could we make sure its not in that time frame cuz I would love to do both. PM or something and let me know what your thinking...

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