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...Ahhh but the real question is...will putting them in the dryer after use recharge the Fart????:eek::D

Never stuck my nose in the exhaust vent Gary and I'm not gonna start now either.

With that said though and to answer the original question, scent isn't immediately absorbed by the suits. It is contained wery well for the most part until it is absorbed though. I'll fess up and tell ya there have been a few times when I ripped my mask off to breath fresh air. :o:D Also, if your suit is damp it takes up pore space so keep um dry. :D

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Not too sure about the Scent-Lok farting question. But have you ever let one rip, thinking that you had your Scent-Lok on, but later realized that you were still in the truck driving down to one of your favorite hunting spots, with Chris in the passenger seat? I have.....and will again. ;):D

And here I put my colon in all kinds of stress just for you. No more buddy. My buck is tagged, I have nothing to lose.

This year at least. :D

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I believe Randy has a good answer for this one!! :D
:o:o:o:D Thanks Joe!!

As a matter of fact, I have field tested Scent Lok on numerous occasions after eating venison chili, tacos, and just about anything else including McDonalds!! :o:D It does a heck of a job as long as you are wearing it correctly. Just incase you have it a bit worse than me,............always keep your face to the wind. :D

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This is a great thread!!! If there is anything men cant overanalyze (other than football and what goes best with beer)it would have to be all bodily noise, in conjuntion with the ability to speculate in such great detail and depth...if we only put this much thought into our work...

I have to agree with the waders....lettin one rip in a pair of chest waders is almost a death sentence...I just wish there was a way to transfer the gas from my pair to my buddies pair without him knowing....until he breathed of course!!!:D:D:D

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I thought you guys would get a kick out of this post I work 12 hr shifts sitting on my butt and I do get a little bored. And yes I to have tried the fart in the scent lock and the regular coveralls. And I do not recommend farting in coveralls comes out rite under your nose kind of like a little mouse running up the back and front of them.

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