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LMAO! I had the sound up pretty high when I clicked that link Gary, think I woke my parents up... :eek::D:D:D

Thank You...Thank You...

I'd like to thank my sponsors...Taco Bell 7-layer Burritto, Hillshire Farms Polska Kielbasa, Bush's Maple Flavoured Baked Beans, and Armour Plated Nose Plugs:D

It's hard to believe...but I've been banned from competition!

Heres a pic of my accomplishments in last years finals...and sadly enough when your ScentLoc pants just cant take anymore :


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speaking of the noise factor, I always try to make mine sound like a buck grunt......LOL....not really, but I have thought about it....

All I'm saying is...It Can be done...

Years of solitary practice, muscle control, and a treestand seat cushion you dont mind leaving in the woods praying to God it rains before you come back to hunt that stand again:D

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