Here's a thought


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If Obama is going to raise taxes on those that make OVER $250,000 a year, then why are all the rich media folk that make millions all for him?:confused::confused::confused:

LOL, think some are proably not so happy about it Jason. O'Reilly on Fox was seemingly pretty irritated with Obama on that topic and asked him point blank if he intended to raise his taxes from 35% to 50%. Typical tap dancing act instead of an answer given by Obama in my opinion, redistribution of their income to those who do not pay any taxes is what he is out to do but he will never admit that.

Maybe some of the more mainstream media folks are able to come up with enough breaks that they do not have to worry about it, don't know.

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Once you get to the level of making millions, you can find (or hire someone to find) ways to dodge around the tax code. There are always loopholes. That's why I've always favored a flat tax. No deductions, period. If you're the kid mowing lawns and make $500 during the summer, or if you're the CEO of GE and make $500 million, you're both going to pay that same 10%.

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My belief is that most rich people have more dollars than sense.

The one thing that astounds me is when they come on T.V. and encourage us to "give" then drive away from the studio in their Ferrari. Now, I don't mind giving, and I will continue to, but I don't need some rich liberal telling me to dig deep when the most they do is stand in a soup line for a photo op. But, I am getting off topic here.

The simple fact is when you have the rich liberal elite voting for (and encouraging us to vote for) another member of the rich liberal elite, then one can simply deduce that they have spent some time in a location that was extremely starved of oxygen, and the damage is irreversible.

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