Buckee's Moose/Mulie Hunt


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Hi Everyone..this is Buckee/Steve's wife Diana reporting on the local gang's progress so far in the beautiful Cariboo region of BC. They had a great time on the way up there and stopped to ride the tram car over the ****'s Gate gorge. Sounds like fun! They spotted lots of mulies on the way to their cabin on the lake but no moose yet.The hunting grounds are about a half hour from the cabin and everyone is anxious to start putting their skills to the test today. Will let you know more later. :)

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Diana here again. Well the guys have had a busy day. No moose yet but plenty of signs that the beast is alive and well and avoiding them! Steve got the pleasure of watching the biggest, blackest (almost blue black) wolf about 50yds in front of him today. It was so big he thought at first that it was a bear. Later Jordan told him that he watched a grey wolf skirt around behind Steve too.

Lots of mulie does today and Mike heard a grizzly growling.Poor Wilf was suffering from a migraine and threw up all the way back to the cabin. Hopefully he'll be feeling better by morning.

They are expecting snow up there tomorrow so that should add another dimension to the days' activities.

Let you know more later:)

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First off guys...thanks for all the encouragement:)

Now for the news of the day:

The day started with that nice dusting of snow I mentioned in the last post and the guys got going early.Steve just got settled into his spot when he heard 3 or 4 shots ring out from the direction of young Jordan. He shot a whopping huge moose! It's a nice 19 pointer and they figure it weighs well over 1200lbs!! What a day for a beginner hunter. One I'm sure he'll never forget. He's tickled pink and hooked for life:D So the day was spent gutting (I was surprised to learn that the heart was the size of a turkey!), quartering and cutting a road into where the moose was. Steve's game cart was no match for this moose as it now has a bent wheel. Then they got a flat tire on the truck after driving down their makeshift road.But all is well now and the moose is safely hanging and I'm sure no one there gives a dang about the cart or the truck.I wonder what Jordan will be dreaming of tonight:cool:

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