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I was watching a hunting show last night and they said something about the rut should start when it hits around 32 degrees? I was wondering what you guys thought because ive seen bucks chasing does in 40-50 degrees, but remember this is North Carolina weather were talking about here too! What time of the rut do yhall have most success in? Thanks.

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Anywhere from last week in October(pre rut) to first two weeks in Nov. here in ohio. I prefer the prerut because the bucks are roaming. Still can hunt scraps and rubs and use the scents and rattling effectively. I was lucky enough two years ago to hit prime rut time but couldnt get a good shot with the bucks always chasing the does. They dont listen to grunts much when they are in the chasing mode. They have one thing on their mind--that is good and bad. Great chance for some good video. Amazing on some of the stuff you see and hear during the rut.

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Thanks guys, I rarely see a buck chase a doe, and always see lone does or does with little ones when our rut is supposed to be. But I always see lots of scrapes and rubs and all that good stuff, but just not a lot of buck and doe activity at the same time.

It's just a matter of time. In my countless hours in a tree, I've only seen two bucks hot on a trail of a doe. One was a spike, and one was a basket rack 6.

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Based on the moon phase this year, it should occur later than usual...about the third week in November.

However, I have always had good luck during the first weekend/week of November, especially if the temperature is between 30-55. The bucks are chasing does, but the does are not ready to breed.

I have seen multiple bucks chasing does nearly every year, including a fight two years ago (when I shot just beneath a monster 10 pt that came to break-up the fight).

Definitely a good time to start dragging "rags" through the woods loaded with your favorite doe in heat scent. Killed a tall 7-pt last year at Fort Knox with its nose stuck in my drag-rag with Tink's 69 on it.

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