Tell Me I'm Not Nuts!!!!


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For passing a 135 class 10 point this morning! I had him come into me at 7:20 this morning on my upwind side. He slowly slid up the point to me in the timber with his head down the last 45 yards. The timber still has a fair amount of folage to it so I spoted him 45 yards out. His mass was probably 4 1/2" and had a symetrical 10 point rack outside of his ears by a couple of inches. He looks to be a 3 1/2 year old and I pray he makes it to 4 1/2.

I looked at him at 20 yards broadside through my crossbow scope with the safety off for better than 30 seconds before he finally spotted me in the tree. He spun around and trotted off into the timber again.

Please let me see him next year LOL.


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you were there to hunt, not necessarily kill. the kill is the ice cream on the pie. i'd be plenty happy with the pie. so, i think you did the right thing. you had an excellent hunt, complete with a memory or 2. you have a tag to fill with the optimism of bigger bucks around. you have seed for next year. and lots more.

i always tell folks that when you see the big boy, you'll know it. you did recognize this buck as not the one you wanted. had you shot it, you would not have been happy with it and probably thrown the horns in the corner of the garage. that is disrespectful of a beautiful buck. now, i know that most here would love to have a great buck like that, but the fact is it would not have been a trophy to you. you did the right thing.

as for being nuts, the jury is still out... lol

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