Colin Powell Endorses Obama


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surprised? he endorsed him months ago already. this is a remake for news only. the first time, about 4 months ago, went pretty well un-noticed. hey, look at history. bush 1 was a liberal republican. bush 2 was a the biggest spending liberal republican in history, even beating the spending record of lots of liberal dems. colin powell said months ago that he's supporting the black candidate, barack obama. this is no surprise. he's a liberal republican, who's black. i think 95% or better of the blacks will support their color with no regard to position. and, after only 350 or so years, i wonder why??? lol

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surprised? he endorsed him months ago already. this is a remake for news only.

He did it just to remind blacks that he is endorsing Obama. Political timeliness.

I have said I would vote for a black man - I've said I would vote for Powell if he ran. I have changed my mind.

Powell WAS the first Iraq war; he WAS Bush's Secretary of State (based on his performance as a war leader). Now he flip-flops because he didn't agree with either #1 or #2? Why didn't he stand up then but is willing to now?

I think he more would like to overcome the belief that he has been whitey's lackey. He can't truly believe that both Obama and McCain are ready for CINC on day one -- but that Obama has a better handle on the economy.

As much as I despise the man - Howard Stern had one of his producers interview blacks on the streets of New York. They said they were voting for Obama - even when the producer asked if they supported him knowing that he was for the war and against abortion - right wing agendas. To a person they said they still supported him. Shows they are voting only for the color of the skin.

And who is playing the race card?

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Don't really think it fair for me to attempt to speculate how many would vote based solely on color and think we need to be careful here in making those types of assumptions. Sure it happens and it is very sad to think that an election can be about race and not about the candidates actual credentials.

I've said I would vote for Powell if he ran. I have changed my mind.

Same here, I had said it several times in the past, but have changed my mind as well. If Alan Keyes was a serious contender I would vote for him, but at this point he serves to only take away votes from McCain, putting Obama that much closer. Obama whether he was orange, pink, purple, white, or black does not matter one bit to me; he is simply not what this country needs based on his liberal positions and lack of experience.

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Don't really think it fair for me to attempt to speculate how many would vote based solely on color and think we need to be careful here in making those types of assumptions. Sure it happens and it is very sad to think that an election can be about race and not about the candidates actual credentials.


You don't have to're witnessing it.

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I too was disappointed in Powell supporting Obama, but I am not surprised, not based on his color, but based on what has happened in history. Powell was shall we say the "Golden Child" of the Republican Party. A black man who is/was a Republican. Unfortunately, he was made a scapegoat/lackey for the George W. administration. I think that he was a great choice for Secretary of State, unfortunately, he was not a "yes" man. Because of his opposition regarding Iraq, he was basically shut out by the Bush Admin. Instead of listening to a knowledgeable former General, Bush decided to listen to Cheney and Rumsfeld. I think Powell did stand up for himself, that's why he was replaced as SoS. As far as CINC, McCain would be more than capable to assume this role on inauguration day, Obama, definitely not. I just can't believe so many in the military support him. I guess they forgot the Clinton years of cutbacks.

Yesterday in Fayetteville, NC, where I lived for 13 years, Obama was introduced by a military wife. I understand where the spouses are frustrated, not having their husbands home for a year at a time, but when you volunteer for the military, you know, or should know that that could happen. That's the problem, too many people joining the military not to serve our country, but to learn a valuable skill and get college money, not to defend our country, which is their first priority, or used to be.

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Seems to me that some are turning against Powell because he's not towing the party line...I don't know. I think Powell was used by Bush and Rumsfeld and Cheney and this may be part of the reason he's endorsing Osama. I'd like to know his personal thoughts on this war and the administration. I wonder how things would be different if he had been in charge of this war instead of Rummy? But still I think it's funny how many are turning against him now, even though they were hoping he'd run a couple of years ago.

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Well, since 3 of the 5 served under Clinton, it shouldn't be hard to guess.:rolleyes:

Might surprise you.:p:cool:

Senator McCain said the endorsement did not come as a surprise. "I respect and continue to respect and admire General Powell," he told Fox News on Sunday. "I'm also very pleased to have the endorsement of four former secretaries of state, secretaries [Henry] Kissinger, [James] Baker, [Lawrence] Eagleburger and [Alexander] Haig. And I'm proud to have the endorsement of well over 200 retired army generals and admirals."
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colin powell said months ago that he's supporting the black candidate, barack obama. this is no surprise. he's a liberal republican, who's black. i think 95% or better of the blacks will support their color with no regard to position. and, after only 350 or so years, i wonder why??? lol

BINGO!!! BTW, Colon powell! LMBO!!!

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the thing that gets me most is that Obama is Muslim. i know that we have the freedom of religion here but what does our money say? In God We Trust. Not Alla. The man doesn't even salute our flag!:mad::mad::mad: wat kinda president is that? Now i can't say that McCain is the right man for the job but we don't need Obama. And another thing i'm tired of seeing is all of these commercials that all politicians put out that talk crap about their competitors. i kno this is part of politics but it just aint right. our politics should advertise wat they are really gonna do and dont say what they really arent going to do and quit trashing their competitor.we need to put an average working man up for election and see how he does. there, now i'm done ranting.

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Like most have said it is disappointing to see Colin Powel endorse Obama, but is it really surprising. The dems have played the race card this election to ensure that they can run things the way they want to. Lets get over it Obama is no more than a puppet for the Democratic party. Due to his inexperience every policy that he is basing his campaign on is put together by the party to make themselves appeal to the blue collar WHITE workers in this country. They already have all of the blacks in the bag since they have been put down for the white man for so long.

Since neither of the candidates can achieve more than a 50% in the popularity vote it just goes to show you that both parties are scrapping the bottom of the barrel and can't find a good candidate to put on the ticket.

I have a feeling that we are in for a rough 4 years. :rolleyes:

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