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I asked for for an opinion on trading my 45acp for a rem 770 in 300 win mag!!Well i new i got a little beaten on money wise but was looking to get a rifle that i didn't have to baby in the woods!!I think of myself as a pretty gun(queer)(and i'm not queer)!!!But as a couple wks went by the gun played hard on my mind!!Yesterday i stopped at an out of town trading post and they had an rem.700 rmef in 300wsm!!And for 700 bucks!!So my uncle wants my 770 and i can go get the 700!!Is there quit a differance in ballisticks or are they similar!!I have a hard time with ballisticks!!Is this a good deal and does the wsm have the same hitting power as the win mag?The 700 is also camo and stainless!

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