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These are some quotes from former Presidents that remind me of Obama:

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." ~Thomas Jefferson

"It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes."~Andrew Jackson

"A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues."~Theodore Roosevelt

"No man can sit down and withhold his hands from the warfare against wrong and get peace from his acquiescence."~Woodrow Wilson

And the list goes on and on..............

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“In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate - look to his character...” —Noah Webster

That is a very good one there for sure. Unfortunately some people do not understand or do not care enough to research to learn about the candidates and those candidates character or lack of, or in some cases they simply fall for the hype created around a candidate.:(

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Wow....America is finished! I guess you are packing your bags right now then? I don't know how much you earn testing deer pee and hiding out in real tree camo but you will likely get a tax break. For all us hardworking stiffs we will actually look forward to having a few extra $'ers in our pockets. Perhaps with the middle class have more expendable income they could buy more of realtrees products.

When exactly will America be finished and why? Please do tell.

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It is usually impossible to predict momentous events in advance. Sometimes its even hard to recognize them when they happen. Take for example the battle of Midway in WWII. No one on our side knew at the time that it was a major turning point in the war. Now we can look back and see precisely how important it was. Likewise, no one except Ronald Reagan knew that when he announced the implementation of a space based defense system, it would eventually lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The damage that an Obama administration could, and probably will, inflict on this country may not be recognizable for some time. But those of us who believe in personal responsibility, less intrusive government, a strong national defense, freedom of speech, one person one vote, and the free enterprise system feel that his isolationist/appeasement foreign policies, his ultra liberal Supreme Court appointments, and his aggressive reinstatement of the welfare system will do lasting, but hopefully not irreparable, damage.

BTW - Welcome to the forums. Now go buy some Realtree. :D

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I guess you are packing your bags right now then?

Wow.....how did you know!:D

I don't know how much you earn testing deer pee and hiding out in real tree camo but you will likely get a tax break.

Must be a Mossy Oak'er.:D

For all us hardworking stiffs we will actually look forward to having a few extra $'ers in our pockets. Perhaps with the middle class have more expendable income they could buy more of realtrees products.

Well Mr., I am part of the "middle class" and do think of myself as a "hardworking stiff"......well hardworker anyway, but there is no way I will vote for Obama. Oh and I do buy Realtree products anyway.:D

When exactly will America be finished and why? Please do tell.

Ask Joe Biden, he seems to know something we don't......

Oh yes........welcome to the forums!!!

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It is usually impossible to predict momentous events in advance. Sometimes its even hard to recognize them when they happen. Take for example the battle of Midway in WWII. No one on our side knew at the time that it was a major turning point in the war. Now we can look back and see precisely how important it was. Likewise, no one except Ronald Reagan knew that when he announced the implementation of a space based defense system, it would eventually lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The damage that an Obama administration could, and probably will, inflict on this country may not be recognizable for some time. But those of us who believe in personal responsibility, less intrusive government, a strong national defense, freedom of speech, one person one vote, and the free enterprise system feel that his isolationist/appeasement foreign policies, his ultra liberal Supreme Court appointments, and his aggressive reinstatement of the welfare system will do lasting, but hopefully not irreparable, damage.

BTW - Welcome to the forums. Now go buy some Realtree. :D


and it cant be described any better than that..... ;)

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It seems to me like everyone that is supporting Obama keeps referring to the promise of "a tax cut for 85% of middle class America." News flash: THIS IS THE GAME OF POLITICS!! They will say anything to sound good. This statement is purposely vague so people can't call him a liar when he doesn't do what he says. Sounds so simple to believe, doesn't it? To fix the economy, just press a button and relief taxes. Doesn't work that way, especially with a Democratic president. IF he cuts income taxes, you'll see an increase in every other form of tax, even things you didn't realize you get taxed on. Obama will try to start up all kinds of "programs" to "change" America and help people that are less fortunate. Where does the money come from to start these programs? YUP! MIDDLE CLASS AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS. Obama supporters need to find a new argument.

I would like to think I know what I'm talking about in this matter, too. I studied politics at a school of 40,000 people in which 80% of them are die hard Democrats!

I suddenly feel the urge to test out deer pee and hide out in some Realtree camo....

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It seems to me like everyone that is supporting Obama keeps referring to the promise of "a tax cut for 85% of middle class America." News flash: THIS IS THE GAME OF POLITICS!! They will say anything to sound good...
Flashback to 1993. Bill Clinton promised a middle class tax cut. Guess what? We got a tax increase instead! :eek:

But according to President Clinton he had "never worked harder on anything in his life."

But he just couldn't quite get it done. :rolleyes:

And please keep in mind that tax breaks in general ARE a good thing. The less money the government has to play around with, the less trouble it will cause. But there's a lot more to it than just that. I also want to go on the record and say that I staunchly oppose the Earned Income Tax Credit. That's just another name for welfare. There is no way a person who pays no taxes should get a "rebate." Likewise, you should never get a "rebate" larger than the amount paid in.

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but you will likely get a tax break. For all us hardworking stiffs we will actually look forward to having a few extra $'ers in our pockets.

All you/us hardworking stiffs will have fewer dollars in your/our pockets because it will be taken away from those who have worked for it and given to those who haven't.

HE's going to reduce taxes on 95% of Americans? How's that going to work when 40% of Americans pay no taxes already? As President Bush said once "That's fuzzy math." The tax cuts won't happen - but the tax rebates will.

HE can't cut taxes AND give the tax rebates to those who haven't earned it. Rebates is how we will spread our wealth - if you can call what we have "wealth."

Smells like you got your nose in a bottle of old pee - it stinks.

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... I don't know how much you earn testing deer pee and hiding out in real tree camo but you will likely get a tax break. For all us hardworking stiffs we will actually look forward to having a few extra $'ers in our pockets...
BTW - Did you know that Obama has already said that "we might not be able to implement all of these tax cuts if the economy continues to slow." ????

Sounds to me like he's starting to weasel out. :mad:

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That is great that you studied politics but you would have been better off studying economics. Politics is what you see here...divisive party mongering without much thought into what is best for you and your family. Most people I know here in Southern IL are barely getting by. We are not talking about welfare or "spreading of the wealth" but tax policy. Simply put the wealth in this country is more concentrated now than at any point in our history. The deck is certainly stacked against the middle class. A $5oo tax credit for people people you make under $10,ooo is certainly not some big "redistribution" of wealth.

I believe in the American dream and I believe in Senator Obama. If you would open your ears and eyes then perhaps you would believe in our next president also. We may disagree but I think time will tell.

Also...thanks for the welcome to the board. I probably won't post anymore political stuff...as this is a pretty FoxNews crowd...LOL. However, I can post some pics of a few really nice bucks and turkeys from my neck of teh woods. I have been a member of another board for the last couple years but it has gotten pretty boring as of late. :)

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...as this is a pretty FoxNews crowd...LOL:)

We do have a few from MSNBC show up now and then...LOL :)

Making less than $10,000 a year? That figures out to about $4.81 an hour for 40 hours a week/52 weeks a year. Last I heard minimum wage went up to over $7 an hour. $7 an hour sucks. But, there are enough grants, loans and other entitlement programs available that anyone wanting to improve themselves and their lot in life can get training and/or an education to make more. But, they have to have the desire and motivation.

But, then again, that's what Obama's tax cuts are designed for - to confiscate wealth from those who have worked for it and pass it on to those who haven't -- or won't.

Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others. - Jules Renard

"A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." - George Bernard Shaw

But, then again, I could be wrong.

Welcome to the forums.

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AceArcher: "The deck is certainly stacked against the middle class. A $5oo tax credit for people people you make under $10,ooo is certainly not some big "redistribution" of wealth."

The only deck that is stacked against anyone is the one stacked against the people who won't get off their butt and work. Politics and economics be darned, simply put, you are in charge of your own destiny and how much money you make. To assume that a government is responsible for paying you because you haven't taken opportunities this country offers is crap.

The wealthy are wealthy for a reason. I don't curse them. Those who have worked hard all their lives to reach that point are to be commended. Those who have worked hard all their life to reach the point where they can comfortably live to the standard in which they see fit are to be commended also. Wealthy or not. You, me, nor any member of government has no right to touch it and give it to those who won't work to their best ability, or do what it takes to find a job that pays better (education, moving, etc.)

What I will tell you is that if I am struggling, and my family is suffering, you better damn well bet that I will be busting my butt to make it better. Not sitting on my duff crying because of what the government is doing and waiting for a handout.

In a nutshell, you're remark about having a few extra bucks in your pocket tells me that you want what I have for nothing, not to mention a free flat screen t.v. via methods that back up my entire theory of the far left. Ain't nothing free bud. It doesn't matter the dollar amount either. If the government takes from me to give to you without question, then that is socialist. That is what it is all about...Socialism.....

The funny thing is...this is all Bush's fault right???? I don't think so. The real reason we are in this economic mess is because of the hard, on paper, undeniable FACTS that the Clinton administration began this whole thing. Even when the economic geniuses of this country cried foul, and warned of what will ultimately happen. Well guess what, it happened, and if you look at the foreclosure rate as of yesterday (on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and whatever source you want to use) you will see that the 70%+ is the result. I can almost bet that the vast majority of that 70% will be Obama voters. Help me! Help me! Pathetic....No sense of responsibility in this country anymore. The people who began and settled this country were a **** of a lot tougher than we are...

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If the government takes from me to give to you without question, then that is socialist. That is what it is all about...Socialism.....

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." ~Thomas Jefferson

Like I said, there are quotes of warning from former Presidents that line up with exactly the way Obama is planning on running this nation.

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I still contend that that there will be no overall tax cuts under Obama.

Consider this - Nancy Pelosi went on record last week as saying that Congress will need to raise taxes by $300 BILLION. Harry Reid is also on record favoring a tax increase, but I do not have the figure he proposed.

Barack Obama has voted along party lines 97% of his time in office. What makes you think he would veto a TAX INCREASE if the Democratically controlled Congress sent one to him?

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I still contend that that there will be no overall tax cuts under Obama.

Consider this - Nancy Pelosi went on record last week as saying that Congress will need to raise taxes by $300 BILLION. Harry Reid is also on record favoring a tax increase, but I do not have the figure he proposed.

Barack Obama has voted along party lines 97% of his time in office. What makes you think he would veto a TAX INCREASE if the Democratically controlled Congress sent one to him?

Clinton was not going to raise taxes on the working class, just more empty promises from slick fast talking politicians. Under Clinton we(my family in the low end of middle income) paid more in to the government, and we are a long ways off from being rich. Kerry said in 2004 that only the wealthiest American taxpayers benefitted from the Bush tax cuts, we benefitted from those tax cuts and we are a very very long ways from being wealthy or being anywhere near the quarter million dollar mark or $200,000 that Obama has been stating which has changed back and forth a few times.

Obama is no different than Kerry or Clinton in that regard, he will raise taxes on the working class in one way immediately by not keeping the Bush tax cuts and he will do so to redistribute that which many of us working class people have benefitted from to give to those who do not work. People can call it welfare or socialism or whatever they like, it will happen and it will hurt millions of people sending our economy deeper into trouble.

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