Memorable archery opener! (long post and photos)


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So this saturday was the archery opener. Andy and I left Friday evening, drove an hour to meet up with our neighbor at his little cabin to hunt there Saturday through Sunday morning. Saturday morning had a little spike come in, passed on him, had a doe come in, 10 yards, got a shot off but I was excited and the deer was closer than I thought, hit herh igh as in a graze on the back, no bloody arrow, some fat on the arrow mainly, couple drops of blood 100 yards out, I knew she was fine. That evening, feeling a little bummed out but determined to not rush my shots and think when that deer comes in to make the shot count. Well a doe shoes up to my right coming up a grassy trail, didn't expect her, had to grab my bow without her seeing me, twist and turn and draw, she was looking all around, but I stop her 10 yards out, broadside, and put that arrow right where it belongs! She ran about 50 yards and I recovered her in probably a 1/2 hour.


Back home Sunday afternoon. We head out to our home ground aka farmland. I head up to the stand way up on an old logging trail in the woods bordering an alfalfa field. The last 2 years have gotten my archery buck from this area, but different tree. We set up this stand to bowhunt from this just this year. Well about 5:30ish I'd say I hear deer to my left and behind me. I have a clear view down into the woods. A deer comes up, I see antlers, then another one comes out, smaller buck, who BEDS DOWN! That guy was probably about 60 or 70 yards away. I manage to pull my binocs out to look at him to see the smallest 5 point rack ever,lol. Well the other buck I can't see but he's walking around down in the brush and hemlocks to my left and I can hear him rubbing some trees. Finally I hear him crunching through the leaves, getting closer. I'm waiting to see what kind of rack he has and then he steps out in the shooting lane, I see a tall rack and immediately know I'm going to take him. I draw back and and baaahh at him. He stops right in the lane, broadside 25 yards, I settle my 20/25 yard pin on him and THWACK! I watch it disappear into him and he takes off. I wait about 10 minutes, climb down and go ovet to find my arrow, covered iin blood. Blood trail is scattered for about 30 yards then it starts pouring out and then I see him down at the base of a hemlock, probably 50-60 yards away from where I shot him.



What a weekend, God really blessed me! It was a weekend of "firsts" also - the doe was the first deer I've taken that wasn't on home turf. Also the first time I've taken a deer on opening day. The shots on both deer were about as textbook as you can get. The photos show only the exit holes but right behind the shoulder and lungs on both deer, the buck I got the heart also. Thank you Lord!;)

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