First Bow Buck


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Here is my first bow buck, he is not quite P&Y but i am very happy with him. Having harvested many bigger bucks with guns i thought about not posting this but it has been a long road to this point and i am pleased with the result.

Went out Sat morning and got in late to the stand, it was already getting light so i figured i had blown the first morning. After an hour on the stand i started to move around a bit and stand up for a while, to my dismay i turned and spoted movement in the brush 60 yards below me. After putting my release back on (longer story) i looked around the tree again to see this buck coming up the hill on the path i took to my stand. I thought about passing on him but in the end he presented such a great shot, he came up the hill to where he was slightly above my stand (hill was very steep) at 22 yards i touched the release and thwaack.

He spun around and bolted 15 yards and stopped beside a tree, he stood there for a few minutes then he layed down. after a while i noticed he was still alive so i finished him off with a shot to the heart, on a bad note the last shot broke one of my new easton arrows:mad:. Turns out he was quartering toward me more than i realized and i hit liver and part of the stomach:confused:.

Also i am happy that the new Mission bow shot so well, also the 100 grain 4 blade muzzy made a huge entry hole twice the size of the cutting blade. Not a monster but meat in the Freezer and i still have a buck tag for gun season.





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Congratulations man! Nothing wrong with that one for your first.;)

I've been doing this thing for ten years now and am still looking for my first :(

on a bad note the last shot broke one of my new easton arrows:mad:.

BTW- If you buy new arrows next year, look into the Full Metal Jackets. The axis arrows can't compare with the durability of them.

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I thought about the fmjs but thought they might bend after a hit, the last shot went through the heart then into the front leg. The deer stretched out and snap went the arrow.:mad:

I love the idea of the fmj arrows though.

I am proud of the deer, i guess it's the thought of not being a ble to take a larger one with my bow if one comes by, early season dilema i guess.

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I thought about the fmjs but thought they might bend after a hit, the last shot went through the heart then into the front leg. The deer stretched out and snap went the arrow.:mad:

I love the idea of the fmj arrows though.

I am proud of the deer, i guess it's the thought of not being a ble to take a larger one with my bow if one comes by, early season dilema i guess.

Well the FMJs would've very likely broken in that situation also, but I've shot both and there is no comparison in my opinion.

I'd be proud of that buck! It'll be hard not being able to shoot another one, but I'd be proud of what I had! Congratulations again!

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Grats on your first bow Buck! Hopefully next year I have the same luck and get a buck. I have been reading the forums for awhile but haven't posted. Me and the wife both bought brand new bows this year although I already gun hunt. Next year we will both be in the woods bow opener and I hope she doesn't get a Bow Buck before I do lol!! First deer of any wep (bow, rifle/shotgun, muzzy, spear(we wish))) will always be a memorable moment. Grats again to you! :D:D

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