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I believe that we're in the middle of the Pre-Pre-Rut, even here in Colorado. I've been seeing does out the ying-yang, but the bucks have vanished. The next full moon will get them going again. They'll be back again, they always show up the first of Nov to start chasing.

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haha, i'd love to help ya out, but you don't wanna hear my stories! For example...

Last weekend my buddy used his 31 yd pin on a deer that was no more than 21 yds away. Shot about 10 inches over her. That same night, I thought I made a perfect shot on a great buck, but I got him in his armor plated shoulder and wasted about 6 hours tracking him.

These are the kinds of stories best left off the forums, unless of course its me reading about other hunters doing this. Then I don't feel so bad. :):):)

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Looks to me like the pre rut chasing is about to fire off. I watched a small 7 point come into a 10 acre oak field yesterday morning, but he had no intention of eating. He walked along the treeline on the east side and licked or rubbed an overhanging branch about every 20 yards for the entire length of the field.

He walked directly under my stand and licked branches on both sides of me. :cool:

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I have a report in my journal.... Didn't see much for a few days. Messed up one night. The deer in the big moon last week were moving mid day. The doe as usual are getting harrassed by the eager young bucks so they are pretty much in hiding....I am going out tonight if I get my truck back from the body shop before I have to give back the rental.....

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It has been a bit slow here Chris. I went out yesterday afternoon to my stand down by the river where I typcally at least see does and fawns, all I saw was tree rats and lots of them. Checked a couple cams yesterday too, and one that had been seeing very regular activity has not had a single deer back since the wife had a half a dozen dogs blow a deer out from behind her Sunday morning.:mad: Other cam had one buck that looked like a pretty good mature buck at 10:47 pm on the 20th. Youth hunt coming up here this weekend.

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Not many stories you said, October lull. I haven't been out a ton, but probably 6 or 7 times. Seen some good ones, one shooter, and not a lot of deer overall. No rutting activity yet, which is to be expected, but when something happens you all will be the first to know!

Take care,


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Well if it makes you feel better Chris I saw 9 eight points down here between Friday afternoon and Monday afternoon. One was a pretty good but not even half as close as he needed to be for a shot.

I had a couple of younger 8 points sparring at 30 yards Sunday afternoon. They were 2 of 5 I saw that afternoon. Saw a total of 24 deer that afternoon too. Then along comes a dang 20# pig that spooked them so bad the deer turned inside out leaving the area. Unfortunatly the pig didn't get inside the 50 yard line or I would have put a hole in him.

I did have one way past his prime, over the hill, fat bellied buck at 25 yards Saturday morning. Heck...he made you, me and Tom look like flat bellies. :D I wasn't fired up about sticking him and since I figured he was heading back into a blackberry briar thicket that morning, he'd probably bed down and come back through that afternoon. I put a younger hunter (senior in college) that had never killed a buck with a bow on him that afternoon and sure enough he came through. The young hunter was fired up to say the least but the buck hung up one step short of clearing a branch at 15 yards when he sensed something was wrong. Bottom line is the young man got busted but he at least had the experience of the thrill of the hunt with that close encounter.

Next hunt for me starts in Illinois this coming Sunday morning. Can you wait till I get back or do you want texed messages. :p:D

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With the full moon gone I have been seeing more in the mornings on the way to work and also in the evening coming home from work. I haven't got to hunt but one time this year. My ole man is keeping em feed up at the lease in TX and he said he is seeing a lot of sign. I will be over there this weekend hunting so I'll tell ya how I shot the one bigger than yours come Monday morning!:D:p;)

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Here's an idea Chris, get out there anyway and video. You can't shoot another buck, but you can film one. If you're really "Jones'in" like you say you are, this is just like hunting that big old buck, without the killing. Just as satisfying, maybe even more than hearing someone else tell a story... ;):cool:

Yeah, I'll bet Heather will love that line "but honey, it's even more satisfying than actually killing a deer..."


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I believe that we're in the middle of the Pre-Pre-Rut, even here in Colorado. I've been seeing does out the ying-yang, but the bucks have vanished. The next full moon will get them going again. They'll be back again, they always show up the first of Nov to start chasing.

I am just the opposite. I am seeing the small bucks but no does and no really big boys.

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