We're in trouble come November.


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Yep, we are in trouble alright Jeramie. Kind of off the topic, but our local news we get from Memphis by satellite was running a line on its ticker this morning that said that security is being stepped up in the event that Obama does not get elected. Guess there is an expectation of riots.:(

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That is hilarious but Howard sort of stole that from Jay Leno. I guess it really doesn't matter b/c there are plenty of middle class/ working class whites that are voting for Senator Obama. Not just in liberal bastions like NY and CA but also in the heartland. Obama will lilky win by over 100 electoral votes...so don't worry about any riots. If there are am going down and getting me a new flat screen T.V.

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I read that yesterday. And I have to ask this question - What type of people riot because they lose an election? :confused:

I never thought I'd say something like this, but I'm hoping there ARE riots on Nov 5. :eek:

The same type of people who vote for a candidate that they do not even know where the candidate stands or even who that candidates running mate is!:eek::eek:

Think it is probably pretty safe to say that the likelihood of the masses of uneducated voters being courted and transported to the polls are not voting based on what they know about the candidate/candidates and on how they think that candidate will help them. Very sad that there are literlally millions of voters out there who have no clue about where either candidate stands and yet they still will cast a vote based on a feel good sense of hype.

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Guest saphire843

in trouble

we are in trouble that there is a man who has know history, that his name has only been with questions. :confused:

I tried not to listen to all of the post presidentail slander that always invades our senses but it is hard not to listen and even see all of the things that are bothering many with Obama.

I do not like the add about where he launched his campaign with a known bomber, and all he can say is we all make mistakes? He is defending this guy.I know that people that grow up or visit other countrys often wear the garb, but why not openly show the picture of him in the robe he was wearing? what is there to hide. He has never told the real truth about his parents of up bringing, and has out smarted or avoided his religon. I also love where at one of his stops that out houses were put over graves that is not respect. I am sorry but that says allot to me. And his policy on gun control having a type of tax I.d. to get even a shot gun and the taxes that will be imposed on that and the huge hike on ammunition we will not beable to hunt or have the good meals that we are used to.

I do not believe in this man he is scary to me on somany levels.

Also in the begining of his campaign he was saying how he was not taking money etc.... well in his 4-5 years in politics he has taken more than several that have been in longer than him. He is ranked #2. Mccain is down at the bottom that in his many years of service he has only recieved 20,000.00 wow that is like 1,000 a year. Oh well I could go on and on about this and all I am doing is preaching to the wind.:(

I dont want to sound like a nut. I am just a concerend person that sees people blindly voting for a person, even hollywood has jumped on. And boy do they sound stupid. Did you see P Diddy's words of wisdom? lol look it up on Youtube.

anyway good night and hope for a good morning hunt.

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