Da Shack


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well this weekend i made a quick trip home to help out and put up a new hunting shack that my dad and uncle have been building in the garage for the last month.....i need to get the pictures uploaded, but it is SWEEEET!!! my old man is a construction foreman so this thing is top quality....8x6, big enough for 2 people and a camera....3 windows. rubber roof....all green treated wood.....sitting on four 4x4 posts that are 12ft out of the ground...it's all braced up and even with a wicked NW wind this thing is sturdy as EVER! it over looks about a 100 acre alfalfa field, and the nice thing is, that we can get a food good looks at some little pockets where bucks have been coming out and get down and sneak down the fence and ambush them....no shot longer than 300 yards to any trail....and we have trails 20 yards away on both sides of it and in front of it.....it took us all day sunday to put it up. had to use a dynalift and there were only three of us...little nerve racking at times, but its UP!! scoute that night and the deer are coming out all around it and don't seem to notice it that much....next step is to get it all brushed in. this is something that has been in the works for a good 3 years and it's nice to have it done even after some headaches. pics coming soon.

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ha, ha i know :) i tried uploading them on my computer, but for some reason it keeps freezing, i am currently researching other options......dad and uncle went out the other day at noon and there were deer out in the field feeding, small bucks chasing does and deer under the shack......they do not seem to mind it one bit. pics on there way asap.

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