Newfoundland moose


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It was a wonderful trip & experience. Beautiful country & people. The guide spotted a cow,calf, & bull on a mountain side about 2 miles away, so I dressed down so not to get over heated and off we went. We worked our way along a river (brook), then turned upward thru the tucks. BOY!! that stuff is thick! At one point while PULLING myself thru, my rifle sling snapped in two. Now, I have to work my way thru, plus carry my rifle. We snuck on to an open area, seeing a cow & calf eating, but no bull. After afew minutes, they noticed us and started moving back up the hillside. My guide was like "good, the bull might notice them moving & follow". Nope,,, so he said, I'll move around to the right to see if I can spot him, he might be bedded down, if he shows, shoot. I had my rifle propted on the safari sticks in the direction that me might take (route cow & calf went). All at once there was crashing of brush straight out in front of me, I see it's a bull but I check to see where my guide is first=well off to my right, look back for the moose, can't pick him up in the scope, dial back the power, there he is, quartering away, pick a spot & squeeze. He lunges, turns goes about 15 yds and stops full broadside. I'd followed him thru the scope & actions the rifle so when he stopped I fired again seeing him lurch + hearing the impact. As I actioned another round, he swayed then fell backwards. I yelled to the guide that he was down, he had to make his way thru the tucks over to the bull where he gave me a big thumbs up. Only thing, it wasn't the original bull we has spotted, it was somewhat bigger. But,,,all in all, it was a blast of a hunt, I got meat in the freezer, and have made super friends.

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