Gas Prices up 16c Today


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Re: Gas Prices up 16c Today



I remember when it was 1.25!!

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I can remember when it was $.10 or TEN CENTS a gallon and that was delivered to the farm!!!!

It is around $1.82 here.

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When I started driving in '74 it was about .25 / gal.

When I was in college it was .50 and I could fill up for $10

I'm paying 1.74 now. Filled up my truck and boat both the other day and it was $80!!! ouch!

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Re: Gas Prices up 16c Today

Quote] its 82.9 cents/liter here now: crazy: lowest I remember it is 45 cents/liter, I am only 18 though: grin: I can remember my grandparents telling me when it was 3 or 5 cents/liter, but that’s way before my time: grin:

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As for your Grandpa they would have used gallons

Canadian gallon

10 lbs to the gallon

Us gal is 8.63 lbs to the gallon.

Just for those in the imperial system a there are 4 liters in 1 us gallon

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Re: Gas Prices up 16c Today


Back down to $1.72 last night. confused.gifmad.gifcrazy.gif

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Dang if that's not crazy.. mad.gif..we are still at $1.93 and my wife works for Bradford Oil ( Go-Go Mart ) and was told we will probably hit $2.25 before the month is out...what the heck is up with that ?? It just makes me wonder how some individules can even afford to get to work, never mind paying out for our regular monthly bills... confused.gifconfused.gif

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