pellet stoves

Tim Andrus

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Tim, we have a pellet fireplace insert and, like you, we love it. It provides a nice cozy heat to virtually all our living space, as we've got quite an open floor plan. I just brought home 2400 lb of pellets last week.

We also had a regular pellet stove downstairs for several years and it did the majority of our heating at that time. Since putting in a heat pump a couple years ago, that stove has been idle. Just sold it lately.

As a side note, we burned wood for 20+ years. Pellets are a whole lot easier to handle and way cleaner.

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Tim, I believe Swamphunter also has a pellet stove at his place up in northern NY.

He might be able to help you with any questions too.

Yeah GW, I do have a pellet stove. The temps have been down in the low to mid 20's here at night and daytime temps between 40-50 degrees. Have not had to turn the fuel oil furnace on yet. We burn a bag of pellets every day to day and a half, and empty the ash pan every third bag or so. We heat our entire house with this and our home is a 2200 sq. ft. 2 story. I love it!

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I put in an air tight wood burner. I looked at the pellet stove, but we just timbered last year so I have about 10 years of burning laying on the ground. LOL

My only problem is my wife now puts the temp in the house up to 76 Man is she cooking me out. I turned off the oil burner, no more fuel oil for me as long as the good lord let my health good enough to get and cut wood.

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