what size bullet?


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I bought a new Triumph this year and have been shooting 270gr Powerbelts on 100gr of Triple 7 (2 pellets).

I WAS shooting 300 grain powerbelts with 100 grains of triple 7 powder and was getting literally no expansion on the bullet. I dug them out of the tree and I darn near could shoot them again:eek: I also had a buddy have the same problem with 100 grains. I think if your gonna shoot powerbelt you need to shoot a higher grain b/c from digging those bullets out they would just punch a small hole in the deer and not expand...

Right now I shoot TC shockwaves 250 grain with 150 grains of triple seven pellets and my Traditions pursuit loves it!

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I shoot an encore with 295 hollow point powerbelts on 100 grains loose triple seven, the damage in outstanding you might not get a blood trail but for one the deer is going very far and 2 once you open it up its just destroyed inside. Never lost a deer or had problems with expansion our hunting party all shoots the same load well 295 hp or 348's and out of 30 deer the past 3 years none have been lost

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