Jeff Gordon


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I am surprised no Gordon fans have posted about this. Yesterday I watched Jeff host the Rigis and Kelly show. He was not a guest, but a host. He talked about news and current events and did interviews of guests. He will be back on today again hosting.Maybe he is thinking about what he will do when he retires.

The show airs from 9 am to 10am EST on ABC.

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Re: Jeff Gordon

Jeff Gordon won 4 Championships driving against one of the greatest...Dale Earnhardt. For that he has my respect and my support. The innuendos about him being gay are about as far fetched as it gets. As if the media wouldn't be all over that if it was true. I'd be jealous too of all of the women he has hanging around him....

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Re: Jeff Gordon

And Dale Sr won 7 against Richard Petty. The way I see it, Senior's 7 is better than Petty's. Petty had more races each year, and the compeition was weaker. He won 200, and Senior won 76. That is only 10 wins per championship. If Petty didn't win all 7 by several hundred points, then he wasn't as consistent as Senior.

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Re: Jeff Gordon


Maybe he is looking for a new profession. maybe NASCAR is tired of listerning to the big BABY!!! Whines like a little girl.


[/ QUOTE ]

LOL..I am assuming that you wanted a response from me so here it goes... grin.gifgrin.gif

This one should be real stated that Jeff was a whinner so lets hear about the factual whinning statements that he has supposedly made...and if you do happen to find a instance lets compare it to the number that we have heard form other drivers, like your Mr.Harvick in the last season alone I can remember atleast 3 different occassions where he has whined about other drivers supposedly doing something to affect his outcome on the track..

Now remember this is just in fun so lets not get MAD at each other OK... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Jeff Gordon

It's not the first time he's filled in for Regis and most likely won't be the last. Check out one of the preview mags, it was either Athlon or Sporting News preview mag, anyhoo, since 2000, Jeff is the best driver so far in this decade with winning percentage, top finishes and basically every categorie, actually there was one driver that had a higher win percentage than he did, Jimmy Johnson.

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Re: Jeff Gordon

ok...I have to throw my 2 cents in here.. Everyone has to admit that Jeff Gordon has incredible driving talent. He has proved it through crew chief switches, a divorce, and some tough times with the deaths of his team mates. He can take a car that is junk at the beginning of a race, relate to the crew what it needs, and be a contender at the end of the race. We have all seen this time and time again.

All that being said....IT IS JUST SO MUCH FUN TO HATE HIM!!!!!!!!...LOL grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Do I respect his abilities...yes...Am I a fan..NOOOO!!

It is so much fun to get the Gordon lovers all fired up though wink.gif

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