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Well I just got some VERY unexpected news. Jenn and I went out to dinner this evening at texas was delicious! We get back to the travel trailer and she went outside to get something outta the truck. She came back in and set a present down at me feet for me to open. In the bag is a jewelry box for a necklace. I've been wanting a silver necklace for some time now. Well I open the box and there isn't a necklace. Instead there is a pregnancy test inside it that is positive!!!!!!! I'm gonna be a daddy:eek: I was speechless to say the least. Shes already been to the doctor and confirmed it. The shock has yet to wear off, and I don't know what to do. I'm kinda scared with the whole economy thing, and work slowing down. Also scared that I'm gonna be gone on the road with her being pregnant and what happens when the baby is born? I just dunno. I'm happy, but sad, but scared, but excited. All I can say is wow. WOW!!!!


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Great Great news, congrats to the both of you. Don't worry about the small stuff, and don't worry about what hasn't happened yet. Just enjoy the fact that you have been blessed. Your going to need to get some little golf clubs,

Carlee has these and loves them. Just in case it's a girl.

I'm telling you my heart is full of joy for you. I was 37 when we got Carlee and I was scared happy nervouse I wondered if I would be a good Daddy, My kids have taught me that I'm the best Daddy in the world, because I'm they're Daddy. The kids don't put as much preasure on us as we put on ourselves.

God Bless


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A Kid is more fun than a Silver necklace anyway

Well now you going to have a new hunting Buddy

My Son picked up and shot a kids bow untrained at 18 months!

had perfect draw form with no instruction just watching us both shoot

your wife will be super fertile after the birth so get her on the Pill

I know gals that went for the baby follow up Visit to the OB/GYN and found they were pregnant again

Tink Nathan

Father of two

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