FOUND that lost 8 pointer..whats he gonna score?


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I dont think he hits 120 still a nice buck though. I also don't think its the same deer the dead deer has a tall and not so wide rack, the camera buck has a wide rack and not so tall the points dont come together like they do on the dead deer either. Too me they look like two totally different bucks.


agreed... looks like a different buck 2 me also...

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For those of you who read my posts, I shot my biggest buck yet with a bow last saturday night and couldnt find it, and it got drug up by my grandmas dog 2 days ago. here is it. i think its this deer, but am not really sure, its the closest pic i had to the deer i thought it was. Also, what will he score? thanks.

I dont think he hits 120 still a nice buck though. I also don't think its the same deer the dead deer has a tall and not so wide rack, the camera buck has a wide rack and not so tall the points dont come together like they do on the dead deer either. Too me they look like two totally different bucks.


I do not think it is the same deer either, as pointed out the rack is different. Also the deer that was brought up by the dogs seems to be sunbleached looking, if it had been shot so recently, don't think it would be so bleached out looking jmho.

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