Illinois BBD!!!


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I harvested this deer at 4:45pm on Saturday night the 25th. I was hunting a cornfield edge about 15 yards in the timber. I saw the back of this deer at about 90 yards in my binos. It was really really windy, i tryed grunting at him but since the wind was blowing so hard he couldnt hear it. I grabbed my rattlebag and it turned him inside out. He was looking and trying to figure out what was goin on. It took him ten minutes or so to finally close the 90 yard gap. He started walking around and I lost him. He vanished. I was bummed. Hung my bow back up and was looking in the direction I had last seen him, when he comes busting through the corn at 18 yards. I had to grab my bow swing around the other direction and get to full draw. I pulled back set my 0-20 pin settled on him and grunted to stop him. He didn't stop so i grunted louder and he stopped and I let the Beman and Muzzys do there job. Dropped him right where he stood!!!! He fell over on the arrow and took a dirt nap!! What do you guys think he will score? He has 11 inch G2's.


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