Recalled Halloween Candy


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I got this via email....thought I should share with all of you... - Snopes warning about recalled chocolate coin candy from China.

For those of you with little ghosts and goblins in your lives.

Don't eat the chocolate coin candies!

The little chocolate coins are not safe for kids to eat this Halloween.

They are made in China and contain the Melamine that childrens deaths were

related to recently!!!!!!!

With Halloween coming soon, pass this on to your family and friends.

Sherwood's Milk Chocolate Pirate's Gold Coins from China contain


It is true, Read the full story at the following link from Snopes:

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Just saw where toddybowman posted about this earlier today Leo, but this thread is extremely important and worthy of being bumped around and possibly pinned in my opinion. Thanks for posting the link too.

Ill say! With Halloween right around the corner yet too! I even sent this to my daughters teachers.

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