Did someone's schedule change???.....

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Yes,There was a change! Cabela's sent all Cabela's Pro-staff a memo a few days ago that all travel and appearances by Cabela's Pro-staff has been temporarily stopped for 2008.I imagine that Micheal was sent by a sponsor to be there. My appearances go through the Cabela's corporate offices and I have to follow their guidelines. I was really looking forward to meeting you, ksbowhntr77 and other members who planning on attending.

I will still be hunting in Kansas though near Hiawatha.

Good luck Tim and everyone else hunting .

Shoot straight,


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Should be a good weekend to do some hunting... was slow this last weekend but this one should be good providing the "bird" hunters don't walk in all over you. Best of luck, if you want you can pm me with your itenerary and we'll see if we can pencil any time in this weekend, if not.... godspeed and shoot straight. KS

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Yes,There was a change! Cabela's sent all Cabela's Pro-staff a memo a few days ago that all travel and appearances by Cabela's Pro-staff has been temporarily stopped for 2008.I imagine that Micheal was sent by a sponsor to be there. My appearances go through the Cabela's corporate offices and I have to follow their guidelines. I was really looking forward to meeting you, ksbowhntr77 and other members who planning on attending.

I will still be hunting in Kansas though near Hiawatha.

Good luck Tim and everyone else hunting .

Shoot straight,


look out, folks. you can bet all companies will be tightening up the belt once obama takes over. life is about to change.:(

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