What To Do!!!


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Have been scouting my two farms for a couple months now!!Have found plenty of deer!!I had gotten a nice little 7point buck for my son on youth day!!I made a blind for us to sit in that day!!Like i said i had been seeing plenty of deer!!My problem is i'm not seeing much pattern there!!I'm not seeing the same animal twice and there is no steady rub/scrape lines!!It is predicted that the hard winter we had is going to take a toll!!Now heres the problem!!I've been beating my head trying to think of a place to hang my stands!!Have no pattern or anything to go by!!With nothing to really go by(like rub line,trails,ect...)where should i hang them or what else can i look for?Is it to late to hang them where it is opening day saturday??I need all the help i can get!!

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Don't think it is ever too late to hang or move stands Dave, just be careful getting in and out and plan to setup mid day or when you suspect the deer are most likely not where you want to set up.

Far as the patterns go, would help to know more about your properties. Food sources are changing with crops coming out here. There are acorns dropping which in my opinion can cause deer to wander without any real patterns. If you have acorns or other mast crops, I would setup near a tree that is dropping.

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Well all around these two(actually 3)farms there are plenty of food source!!The first one is mostly clover mixed with grain/barley!!Along this field there are plenty of apple trees!!!The next farm is mostly already harvested potatoe fields!!Then the third one which circles the other two is mixed food sources!!The thing with all these is they are all along a rivine with each having there own stream running through them!!The other plus is on each end are swamps!!We have found all kinds of beds along the edges of the woods and in the deep grass!!We have found alot of rubs,prints,bite marks in dead trees,ect....!!We found the most signs in one of the swampy areas next to the stream in the woods!!My question for this is how to get in there without jumping any deer??The other day as we were scouting we jumped a deer as we quitely entered the woods(and we just stepped through the first row of trees)!!I think i'm just going to play it by ear!!!

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Guest ArcheryFool

I would look at spots you have had success at in the past. Around here deer tend to use the same areas with very slight changes to them year after year. We have taken good bucks 8 pt. or better from the same stand 7 years in a row. When one gets taken out, another seems to move right in. Another ploy is to set up where you are seeing does. If you see a bunch of doe in one particular area nearly every evening, stand by, the bucks will be there when the does start cycling in estrous.

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