I need some help fellas

Guest niels

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first off, I'd like to say hi to Straight Shooter, he knows who I am, years ago, I used to use this forum quite a bit, and for no good reason whatsoever just kinda stopped using it, but I'm going to start back up again, because this is a really good forum,with alot of good guys and alot of good advice.

My name is Kevin Nielsen and I live and hunt in Central Florida and I have been bowhunting hard this year on public land and have seen a big boar hog that I could of shot at 25 yards, but elected to pass on him, because I was by myself and a long way from the truck, and I've seen a few does, but spooked them on the ground walking to my evening stand. The bow season on this particular wildlife management area closes on Friday, the 31st and I'm going to be able to go out for one more morning hunt on Friday morning, here is my dilemma, last Friday while walking mid day to see if I could find any scrapes or rubs in an area that I hunted last year, and sure enough in the exact same place that this buck scraped last year, was a huge fresh scrape, so I continued on looking for more scrapes and came across two more smaller scrapes all separated by about 40 yards which got the blood pumping a little bit, but then much to my dismay I came across somebody's ladder stand that wasn't there last year, 15 yards from one of the scrapes, so that kind of took the wind out of my sails, now nobody was in the stand, I was almost tempted to get in it, but I didn't and went ahead and backed out, my question is this, do you guys think there's probably already been too much human intrusion for this buck to show himself during daylight hours? or if the guy isn't in the stand this Friday morning, should I go ahead and bring my climber and set up in another pine tree about 20 yards from the tree the guys got the ladder stand in or am I wasting my time? by the way, the bucks in this area are just cruising (pre rut) for does right now, they won't be in peak rut until after the close of the archery season. I hope the guy with that stand hasn't hunted this past week, so he doesn't kill him or if not kill him scare the buck out of the area for good, because if I don't see him Friday morning, I'll be back in there for the opener of muzzleloader, because I think this buck is a good one, because the year before last in this very same area, a woman killed a 182 pound 8 point that was 6 1/2 years old, so this buck had a few years to spread his genes throughout this area, so this buck could very well be one of his offspring and also the buck that the woman killed net scored 118 and change and for Central Florida that is a really good deer. Thanks in advance for any advice you all might be able to give me, also if the guy isn't in there, do you think some soft rattling and grunting might do the trick? and should I put some buck and/or doe urine in the scrape? Sorry this is so long winded, I just had alot to say, also, this ladder stand is not her stand either, I know who she is and she hunts from a climber, she killed that big buck during muzzleloader.

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Niels................My long lost friend, it sure is great to see you in here again. I hope we can talk again soon, I've got a lot of deer stories to tell you. About the question you are asking, yes I would do some grunting, but no so soft. give it a little bit of attitude because, if a dominant buck is in the area. He will come and investigate the intruder. Shoot me a PM and let know if your number is still the same and I'll give you a call this wekeend. Glad to have here again!

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neils, If your hunting either Green Swamp, Richloam, or Richloam/Baird WMA's I hunt near that stand as long as nobody is in it. If your hunting Upper Hillsborough WMA you can pretty much bet someone will be in that stand. I'd hunt closer to the thicker cover between the ladder stand and the river/creek. Alot of the people hunting in the first three WMA's set thier stands up the day before the season opens and dont bother to retrieve or move them until the entire seasons over:rolleyes:

I'd definitely use a climber and some turns of the Primos Can Call early in the day could help bring some action. I'd only throw in a few grunts after a bleating session just to add a little encouragement for any buck that hears your calling.

P.S. If your hunting in Richloam...find "Game Commission Road" and go all the way to the fence that separates Richloam WMA from Richloam/Baird WMA...follow the fence to the west where the cypress bog starts...get ready to kill a Hog;)

I lived in Zephyrhills most of my life...can ya tell:D

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