Rem 700SPS .300 Win. Mag. loads Why/Why not?


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Ok, so I'm looking for a new rifle. I don't have the money to buy a rifle for every occasion, so this one's gonna cover it all.

I have two questions.

1. Why would/wouldn't you buy a Remington 700 SPS?

2. What loads would you recommend as good shooters for it to start with? 150 grain, 165 grain, 180 grain? In the near future, I'll be using it for deer/antelope maybe, and any other object that needs to be shot from a long distance and needs to die/fragment immediately. I love Ballistic tips because they do lots of damage fast, and if I'm remembering right, are pretty darned accurate.

So, rifle gurus, tell me what you think. Thanks!

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I like the looks of the SPS, and being based on the 700 action it should shoot reasonably well. Weight is about average at 7.5 lbs. If you're planning to hump the mountains, might consider something lighter. On the other hand, if you're looking for a true long range shooter like a bean field rifle, you could go to a heavier contoured barrel. I'm also a big fan of stainless for anything that I think will be subjected to harsh conditions.

Personally, if I were buying something to "do it all" from pronghorns up to the big bears, I'd probably opt for the 300 Ultra Mag or the 338 Win Mag.

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If I was going to buy a bolt action gun no doubt about it I would by a Remington 700. Over the years they have been proven to be great guns.

I do have an sps varmint. I have no problems with it. .

The trigger on mine was good....I did lighten it some...which I was able to do cause they are fully adjustable. Now its great ;)

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Thanks alot for the responses guys!

I saw the .300 Ultra Mag video on Remington's site, and thought it looked like a really cool concept, but unless you handload (which I don't yet, but would love to), you don't have very many ammo options if for some reason the gun doesn't like Remington's power level rounds for the .30-06 or .300 Win. Mag. levels. I'd jump on an Ultramag or .338, but I also want something that I can at least relatively comfortably shoot when I'm not thumping really big game. In reality, I'll probably never shoot anything bigger than a deer, but...I want to be able to go elk hunting any time without my rifle holding me back.

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Sounds like the .300 Win Mag is just what the doctor ordered for your intended usage. Darned hard to go wrong with the .300 Win. ;)

As for the Rem SPS...........I've not fired one.............just looked at them. They are a tad rough around the edges, IMHO. Set out to have my daughter buy an SPS Youth but after looking at it and handling it we decided, hands down, on the Weatherby Vanguard instead. The SPS had a horridly rough bolt, goofy grooves in the stock to hold dirt and a rather crude trigger. I guess handle one yourself and you be the judge.

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The 300 mag is a great long range cartridge and is at it's best with the 180 to 200 grain bullets. It's recoil is manageable by most mortals in a light rifle too. The only problem I see with buying a production rifle is that not all of them shoot well enough to consistently take game at long range. You have to have a rifle that not only groups well but doesn't have a zero that wanders. I'll either buy and sell a few standard production rifles until I find a good one or get a high dollar rifle from the beginning. The one I have now shoots tight groups and stays put. It's an A-Bolt in 270 win. and has shot lots of critters from prarie dogs to elk. I bought three and resold them until I found "the one". It's gonna be a sad day when I have to replace it or rebarrel it.


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The 300 Win mag isnt a bad choice, it's been there and done that a long time now and ammo is fairly easy to come by. It has the ballistics to stretch the distance too.

Like Strut10, I am not a fan of the SPS series of 700's. The over all fit/finish/quality isnt there for me. Now the CDL and Sendero's are much nicer in the Remington line. The Weatherby Vangard series is a good value and can be had in the 300 Win I believe.

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