NO 11 caps and 777 pellets

Guest UNH63

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I was just at my local shop and was looking to buy some pyrodex pellets to shoot out of my TC Firehawk with #11 caps. The guy behind th counter had no pyrodex pellets, but 777 instead, but he said they'd shoot the same (for the most part). However when I got home i noticed that it reccomends 209 primers only. My question is, is this just hoopla, or will they really not shoot well with #11 caps?



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You really should shoot the 209's with the pellets, they are much hotter. Why do you still use the #11 caps? Especially since the 209's are more reliable. Here is a link for a conversion kit.

I don't know what state he is from,but some states won't allow the use of 209 primers for "primitive weapon" season,

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Thanks for the replies guys. I just went and bought the regular 'ol pyrodex pellets and gave my 777 pellets to a buddy. Never had a problem with the old pellets going off with a #11. I'm in NH and there are no restrictions on the type of ignition you can use. Might invest in a new gun all together after this season, as I really like my buddies omega.



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