WV Muskie fishing...and a bonus


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Went muskie fishing today with my friend up here in morgantown, WV... Started off slow, very low and gin clear water. Spotted one muskie maybe 30 inches long, he was in shallow water near a deeper pool that was full of minnows, he would not take. Maybe 5 minutes later i was casting into about a foot of water, i could not see the features beneath the water due to the glare on the water, and whack!!! while fishing with a muskie lure this smallmouth hits...prolly 2.5 pounds and it measured 17 inches. To say i was suprised would be an understatement. Then like 45 minutes later i raised a small muskie, he followed my lure for about 5 feet then veered off and dissappered, a few casts later the other guy Dan i was fishing with catches the muskie...was a small one only about 23 or so inches but it was his first muskie ever...It was a good day to be out.





We both took pics with the muskie so dont think i was tryin to steal his catch.

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