Is it enough?

Trevor G.

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This is for all you reloader's out there

I am shooting a 7mm-08 for the first time and I am hand loading it. I am shooting 150 gr ballistic silvertips.

I finally found a load that grouped well with my rifle but i am only shooting 39gr of vihtovouri n150 powder. My concern is that this is a slow burning powder and I am just not sure it will have enough umphh for whitetails my shots will NEVER be over two hundred and likely 100 and probably most 75- 50 yds. The season is two weeks away and i have already loaded my hunting rounds. Is it going to give me enough energy with this particular load? I am guessing its leaving the barrel at 2400 fps. I taped some old glossy catalogs together 4.5 inches thick with a complete pass through at 100yds with good expansion. This is a quick expanding bullet that fragments easy as you may know so i don't think expansion will be the trouble. I am mildy concerned over the penetration though. Thoughts?

thanks trevor

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