Home with an Illinois Brute


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I had a great time in Illinois. That is with the exception of the 50mph gusts we had to endure last Sunday afternoon.

The first couple of days were slow for me with high winds or whatever shut them down. Well that sure changed Tuesday. The morning hunt was fun but no shooters showed themselves. I rattled a couple of young bucks in and a 3 year old 115 class buck.

That afternoon I was in a stand about 40 yards west of the norteast corner of a recently cut cornfield. Does and young bucks began to filter into the field around 4:20. I'm sitting back enjoying the view when I hear the sound of deer walking in dry leaves coming from down in a wooded bottom northeast of my stand. I glass 3 does coming in. They enter the field and move through my 30 yard area. As they move through I hear more footsteps coming. I catch a glimpse of antlers, raise the binocs and glass a light antlered 10 point coming in. As he enters the cut corn I elect to pass him since I figured him to be about a 125 class 3 1/2 year old buck.

I'm kicking back enjoying the view when I hear more deer coming. Another doe steps in at 25 yards. She eases in and I hear another deer following her up. I glass a BIG bodied deer coming my way and get a glimpse of antler behind limbs. Moments later his massive 9 point rack is in clear view and my brain says...SHOOTER! As he passes behind brush I get ready, draw just as he starts to ease in, and he pauses just inside the edge of the field with his vitals exposed at 23 yards. I got that shot! :D I send a Montec G5 tipped Carbon Express arrow on it's way and it disappears through the back side of his shoulder. He bolts into the cut corn, runs about 60 yards in front of my stand and stops. He slowly turns his head to the left, starts to stumble and then falls over toes up. :eek: Awesome sight to see with a pig of a deer like that.

Now my 2 buddies are hunting the same cut cornfield west of me so as bad as I wanted to get my hands wrapped around those antlers I had to stay in my stand until dark. If you recall that 10 point I passed...well he walks up to my dead buck trying to figure out what his problem was. That 10 point went back and forth for 20 minutes looking at my buck before finally easing out. Moments later here comes another 10 and and an 8 running a doe. Neither was a shooter but I sure enjoyed watching them chase and occasionally glassing my buck on the ground too.

Anyway, here is pic of my Illinois pig of a deer taken right where he fell. Instead of leaving you in suspense though I'll just tell you his gross score is 139 5/8".


Time to unpack now. ;)

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