USA Gun Ban goes into Effect Tuesday


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From the text of the article:

"Obama and his Democratic cohorts can make life miserable for gun owners without banning a single gun or taking one gun from a private owner. They can do it through legislation or through administrative rules from the Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division. Shouldn't gun owers pay for all that gun crime? How about a 500% tax increase on ammunition, as Obama supported in the past?[1] What about a $50.00 or $100.00 annual fee for every gun owned?"

...and there are other things they can and will do...especially if they use Canada as their model.

Many firearms, including antiques, heirloom, and historically significant guns, were confiscated and destroyed when people, who were not avid shooters were forced to take a course to be in possession of the gun(s). They didn't want to take the course, so the guns were seized and destroyed...but according to the government, "that wasn't a confiscation"...:confused::confused:

It's a slippery slope...

I hope you guys realize that actions always speak louder than words!;)


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That's the tip of the iceberg for what Obama would do.

Legislation/Registration leads to confiscation!!

Just look at the U.K and Australia

Every single gun owner in America needs to wake up and vote against this guy!!!

To bad some are so blind to this fact, and will vote for him anyways. People need to take their blinders off and see thye TRUE Obama, for what he is, not what he "represents" on paper

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That was a good article on the dictators: "As the “most important of all weapons,” the possession of firearms is in reality the possession of power. Dictators cannot subdue an armed population, and an unarmed population cannot overthrow a dictator"

That quote is an excellent point.

Obama knows that he can't take our guns away, but what he can do is impose enough taxes and tariffs on them that we can't afford the guns or ammunition.

It's interesting some of their "definitions" I've seen. Let's just take for example, declaring over 1000 rounds an armory or something... How many people have 2 bricks of .22 bullets at the house? That alone is over 1000 rounds and you would fit the definition of an armory..

Wake up people!!!

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It's interesting some of their "definitions" I've seen. Let's just take for example, declaring over 1000 rounds an armory or something... How many people have 2 bricks of .22 bullets at the house? That alone is over 1000 rounds and you would fit the definition of an armory..

Wake up people!!!

Unless you tell "them", they will never know how much ammo you have, however there may be imposed limits on amounts of ammo able to be purchased in the future, who knows. Think it only wise to keep a few rounds for certain weapons stored. Thinking I am going to load up on .223 ammo and maybe also buy what I can when I can in the way of extra ammo for our deer rifles.

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Let me ask...are you guys for no regulations on the ownership and sale of firemarms?

I think true common sense goes a long ways with firearm ownership and regulations. The current system obviously does not keep bad guys from getting firearms, so I guess my question to you would be what percentage of violent crime offenders obtain firearms legally and what does more stringent regulation do to prevent those offenders from continuing to get the guns that they are getting illegally?

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Obama is only asking for "common sense regualtion" of firearms and ammunition. Of course he thinks the DC Handgun ban was common sense regualtion...

There are plenty of firearms regulations on the books already. Everythign the bad guys do regarding guns is already a crime. We don't need more laws. Only law abiding citizens are affected by the law. How about NOT one single new law regarding firearms or ammunition?? Well, Ace??


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I think true common sense goes a long ways with firearm ownership and regulations. The current system obviously does not keep bad guys from getting firearms, so I guess my question to you would be what percentage of violent crime offenders obtain firearms legally and what does more stringent regulation do to prevent those offenders from continuing to get the guns that they are getting illegally?

Here is my answer, NOTHING. Criminals will have guns, no matter what we law abiding citizens do or what kind of laws are inacted. They are CRIMINALS, and have no regard for the law. And as a matter of fact, I WILL be a criminal myself when the day comes for me to give my guns up

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It is his voting record and comments from his own mouth Clint that displays that he supports tighter controls and in some cases banning of firearms some of which are firearms that some of us do use for hunting and Obama does in fact support removing the right to concealed carry.

Obviously there will be people who feel strongly on these issues, does not make your opinion right or theirs or mine right, that is why this room for political discussion exists, and it would probably be rather boring here if not for having members who are not in agreement with the majority of other members.:p

If you would like to see his views on gun control you can go here, this is a nonbiased site and it also gives information on where all the other candidates stand as well.

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Don't forget he also wants to take Joe the Plumbers money via taxes and 'spread it around'. To whom? Those that don't work or put in enough effort to earn (anything) / (More)?

Vote tomorrow folks, let Obama have the popular vote but not the electoral vote. Otherwise we Pellosi/Obama and their ilk in charge of both legislative branches and executive sio then they can move on to change the Supreme Court.:mad:

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I'm sorry mr. administrator, but maybe you should go get you some more Kool-aid. That's some bad bs you're peddlin right there. I believe that as much as I believe he'll cut my taxes and get me free health care without bankrupting our country.

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I will still be hunting with my shotgun come next year and in four years. The sky is not falling. Take a deep breath and don't pull out your hair tommorow. Everything will be alright...I promise.
I heard the same thing from British and Australian sportsmen. Right before they had their 1100's and 870's confiscated and destroyed.
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What a discusion!!Were all adults here and entitled to our vote and beliefs!!Heres mine!!They(the goverment) will never ever get rid of all the illegal guns in america!!They can think they are god all they want!!God is god and has a plan for everything!!Whether we like it or not!!God already knows who will win today!!I will vote and hope i vote right!!My main concern for obama and should be everyones is the fate of our country!!When 911 occured the taliban came across televised stating we will take over your country and do it from the inside out!!I personally think he is their inside man!!All the facts that have been presented about him and terrorists have been pushed aside as one of mcains tactics!!I don't believe it is a tactic!!I think we are going to be in some deep water security wise if that man gets ellected!!I don't care about all the little stuff such as him taking away our guns!!It would still have to go out to vote or to congress to get passed!!He can't do it alone!!So my main worry is terrorism!!And thats my opinion!!

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Quite possibly the most outrageous and insulting thing I have every heard but I have heard it from more than one person. This is the tragedy to the way McCain decided to run his race. Without regard to the issues and taking a low road of spreading untruths and rumors. Now you have people that actually believe this stuff. I feel sorry for these confused souls but they seem to fuel a unfounded hatred that is harmful to our society.

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