Pa spotlighting should be ilegal!


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I will keep this short. I have enjoyed this in the past it is fun to be able to see many deer and the type of bucks in your area. That being said i feel it is an not necessary it constantly harasses the deer the farm i hunt about every 3 minutes a car drives by and shines a light into the field. This causes people to be tempted to poach. the land i hunt is very limited access and has some good deer people get jealous and take the mentality if i cant hunt you should not kill these deer either people shoot the deer simply because they are not sportsman. if spotlighting were ilegal it would be easier to identify these people along with not allowing them to see the deer.

I would like to get some input on how you all feel about this topic thanks!

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Your response doesn't make any sense. If you banned guns would that stop illegal gun violence? The obvious answer would be no. If people are shooting deer with a spotlight now, what difference would it make to keep people from legaling spotlighting deer.

People drive by every few minutes and spotlight deer if it were illegal then a spotlight would be a good indicator someone is up to no good as it is now you dont know if someone is legally spotlighting or poaching. ussually the deer are shot with small arms so you dont hear them unless you are close the violators are not shooting deer to recover them but simply for the either entertainment or out of spite. I dont understand your reference to gun violence in comparison to this situation they are nothing alike.

as for coon hunting sure spotlighting probably is not worse. but you are crazy if you allow coon hunting on your land during deer season unless deer hunting is not a major concern. i dont know of any good outfitter or serious deer management program that would permit people to hunt raccoons with dogs and lights during deer season.

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We dont have coon hunters and people poach at nite. no light no poaching.

Your response doesn't make any sense. If you banned guns would that stop illegal gun violence? The obvious answer would be no. If people are shooting deer with a spotlight now, what difference would it make to keep people from legaling spotlighting deer.

I agree, people will do this whether its legal or not! Poacher is a poacher! Scum of the earth!

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If someones is gonna break the law they will anyway..regardless of laws.

I don't spot light often, but during gun season, if we don't see any deer we scan the areas fields at night for deer.

This is legal is NYS.

Here are NY's rules.


You may use lights to observe deer and bear under the following conditions:

  • You are not within 500 feet of a home or farm building, unless you have permission from the owner or lessee.
  • While in or on a motor vehicle and operating a light and no person has a firearm or bow unless:
    • the firearm is taken down or the bow is unstrung, or
    • the firearm is securely fastened in a case, or
    • the firearm is locked in the trunk of the vehicle, or
    • the firearm is a handgun.

    [*]For information on hunting furbearers at night, see the Small Game and Furbearer Regulations.

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They are right. it doesn't matter if you outlaw spotting, they are still gonna do it because aparently they don't care about the law if they are already poaching. Personnaly I enjoy spotting very much. It allows me to see what kind and size deer are in my area without trapesing through their area. So I'm all for spotting.

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Legal spotlighting can also work against poaching, think of it this way: If there are alot of people out spotting, would a poacher be less likely to shoot a deer with all the other people around that could turn them in or would they like to be the only ones around turn the light on, shoot, and come back later to get the deer? Do you think in the areas that get heavy spotting pressure the deer get used to the cars and lights? Would be nice if someone has or would do a study to find out.

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