My 6yr old kills first buck

Guest X-Force

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Guest X-Force

The hunt. We set in double blind in a fence row over looking a half grass half unpicked corn field, on the other side was a picked bean field that was disked and replanted in wheat but only had started to come up. We didn't see anything and it was 8 and he was getting bored so we were going to have his mother and grandpa push a draw out to use. So when I get to the edge of the fence row I checked each way for deer and see this buck heading north along the timber. So me and him just take off straight across the field towards him trying to get close. The deer starts making a scrape so this gave us the edge to move. We get to with in 200yrd and the deer seen us so we freeze and get down. This deer starts walking towards us and I mean straight at us the deer gets to 100 yards and still coming. Let me remind you were are in the middle of a disked field with no cover and setting on the ground and he's 6 years old. So I get his shooting stick in front of him but it was to tall so I moved up alittle and stick my knee up so he can rest the gun. The deer gets to 80 and turns sideways then dane put the cross hairs him and I ask him where he has the cross hairs and he said right behind the front shoulder. Then he said dad I shakeing bad and don't know what's going on. I told him to take your time and breath deep and he said ok I'm on him so he starts pulling the trigger slowly bang he turns and said "Dad I just smoked him" he ran 80 yrds and fell over. I didn't have the time to get the camera but we got lots of pics to share.


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Guest X-Force

He shot the deer with a remington 700 .243. We got him the gun for an early christmas gift. I got him a .22 when he turned 3 and then the when he turned 5 he started running around our farm in Ill shooting a single shot .410. I figured he was ready for the next step. He shoots the .243 great. He can put 4 shots at 100 yards with in an inch of each other and actually two shots were touching each other. I still think what got him good shooting the scope was the X-Box 360 game he has. You have a sniper rifle and have to shoot people and the deer hunter game. I would say thats a great way to introduce a scope to a kid.


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