The Rut must be kicking in!


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I drove along Rte 78 in West NJ and for 25 miles there were dead does and bucks all over. I mean a lot on both sides of the highway! I lost count.:eek:

It has to be the rut!

I have things to do but this Friday, Saturday and Monday (if needed) it is bow hunting only time! No chores no nothing! Just HUNT!

Not bad, with all my observations and help from my GPS and Prime Times CD I've been forecasting 11/11/08 as the peak.

Fingers crossed!!

Back at you later!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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A friend of mine picked up some road kill on saturday just south of where i live in north/northwestern IL...this thing was a slob...I'd post a pic but i only have it on my phone...

Grossed 184 2/8

netted 160 3/8

I hate seeing giants on the side of the road; they elude and escape the grips of many seasoned hunters year in and year out, then they get a little something stuck in thier head, and the next thing they know they are literally jumping in front of vehicles...

if the human race had a thougt process like that, there wouldnt be so many stupid people walking on this planet.:D

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Best of luck. It's not hitting to hard yet here but it will soon.

I was hoping to be out hunting today but it didn't happen suppose to get up to 73 today anyway so it don't hurt my feelings to bad. I have to mow and stuff for the last time. Might as well get my chores done so I can hunt the rest of the week.

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