In Memory of Nick


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Guys and Gals,

Losing Nick has really got me hurting bad this evening. He was one of my closest friends on these forums, besides my oklahoma brothers. We joined these forums around the same times. We are the same age, went through similar times in our lives. We even became moderators together on this forum. He and I talked almost nightly on MSN, or the Realtree chat. We talked about girls, trucks, parties, girls, hunting, girls, lol! He was such a cool young guy. Losing Nick opens my eyes as I'm sure it does everyone elses. Be thankful for each and everyday you have in this world. Love you family and cherish them, Love you friends. Enjoy each day as it may be our last with them. I know we will all miss him dearly, but the reason for this post is not to sadden you further. I think it would be neat for everyone to post their best memories of Nick. Possibly a story, or just anything you shared with Nick. Mine has to be the fun times in the chatroom. Nick was always about $BLING$ $BLING$. Big pimpin Nick we called him. I loved his countless romance with various ladies in here. One gal comes to mind in particular who he loved to give a hard time....she knows who she is. I also loved reading snapper and nick get into it about nascar. I don't know if there is a bigger earnhardt jr fan on this board....

Anyways, I'd love to read more memories of Nick. May our stories and memories keep him alive on this forum forever. God bless you all!


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Well we just talked girls all the time and shared pics of different things on AIM. I must admit some of them girls he had some pics of were pretty dang hot.LOL

Seemed every time we got to talking about bow hunting or shooting it always came back to bashing each others stuff. He was just a blast to talk to.

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I used to come onto the chat way back in about 2001'ish. Nick was not a mod at that time, and we actually used to get kicked off once in a while for creating new usernames such as 'Bill Jordan" or "Michael Waddell" and pretending to be them. Ahh what fun! I was surprised to see Nick again when i logged on to the site again last year after not coming here for a good 5-6 years. He will surely be missed...

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Say what you want about our Deer Contest but that is where I met Nick. He was my teammate a few years back and he was a hoot. I will never forget the story of him stalking an 8 point buck in a cornfield. At the time, it was his biggest buck ever and he was sooo excited. Since then we chatted occasionally about Chevy truck parts and he was usually the first person I contacted when I had a question.

Via Con Dios Nick. :(

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I think he was one of the first guys I met when I joined here....we talked quiet alot, especially on the chat...I remember we were going to trade photos and I sent him a photo of myself with a deer, and I think he emailed me a picture of himself with a deer something.

I enjoyed reading his hunting stories and seeing his photos....he was a good kid.

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There are a lot of stories that I think back on when it comes to Nick. I was looking through the history of threads he started yesterday. One that was a good one was when he asked for advice on a blind date (he was set up with for Valentine's Day):

He was only 15 years old at the time. Some of the advice was about as funny as you will see in the forums.

Then there were sad times. When his grandfather fell from a treestand:

Nick's first place to turn to was these forums. A day later, he came in to report that his grandfather had passed away.

Two days later, Nick posted a really good poem/tribute to him:

These are just a couple that stood out. There are a lot. Here is the link to all the threads he started:

As I told the moderators yesterday, Nick was like a little brother or a son to many in here. He was in here so much at 15 and bugged me enough to earn a spot as the youth room moderator (later moving on to other rooms). Although there were a few times I threatened to ban him or lock him out for some of his antics, he grew up in here, was an important part of this community, and I knew he would be around for a while. He shared evrything with the folks in here.

My best memory of Nick didn't come from the forums, but is related. A few years ago during the Christmas holidays, I decided to call a few moderators every night to thank them for all they had done for the forums. Well, when Nick's name came up (he was 16 at the time), I expected to get him on the line and never get a word in edge wise (At the time he was a motor mouth when typing in here). Well, his Mom answered and called him to the phone and when he got on the line, "Cat got your tongue" became an understatement. I couldn't get him to talk! Extremely quiet and polite with "yes sir" and "no sir" answers and a "thank you" for allowing him to be a part of the forums. I was floored. Of course, he was back in here letting those finger blabber later that night.

He will be missed. Don't ever take your friends in here for granted. And if any of you have issues, please talk to someone. Don't let them rest on your shoulders only.


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I would always remember Nick in those Nascar threads and he would always have a word or two about Jeff Gordon. None of them any good! :D Then again, he was a true Earnhardt fan and that was alright with me! :D

Also remember the excitement of him getting drawn for a Michigan Elk license this year. That is a once in a lifetime deal in our state. Once you get drawn, that is it. So he was super pumped up about that hunt.

Also liked seeing him talk about his truck and how he'd trick it out.

Such a great young man that I may not have seen eye to eye with on certain issues on here but when he came to work at my plant, I could tell he was a great person. Very quiet, got the job done and was well liked.

You will be missed Nick! :(

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I won't forget when I first talked to him in the chat room,he was on one of his favorite subjects his truck,I asked him what kind he had,well first came the photos then we talked about it for about 45mins.I will never forget it.I will miss him in the chat room,and reading his posts.He will never be forgotten.

RIP Nick

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First met Nick in the Realtree chat room back in 2001. I used to call him Nickey-poo just to mess with him. We'd also joke about how he was always eating.:D It would be near midnight and he would be eating a cheeseburger and fries.:D

One night, before leaving chat, I typed in "Glad you go to see me, Nickey" and signed off. From then on, if either Nick or I was leaving, we would always try to beat each other to the punch and type in "Glad you got to see me."

Glad I got know you, Nick.


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