Today is the day


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The road will be a hard one. But today will be the first step in the right direction. Get out and vote for however you think will do the best job. They are both great Americans and solid leaders with slightly different visions of America's future but unified in a vision for better days ahead. However, you can't just pray for better have to make the hard choices to turn that into reality.

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History is going to be made whatever the outcome.

They are both great Americans and solid leaders with slightly different visions of America's future but unified in a vision for better days ahead.

Slightly different visions?:confused:

Looking at their records, seems apparent to me that there is not much that the two candidates actually do agree on, not sure how that equates to slightly different visions.

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Please tell me if i'm wrong:

Obama wants:

1-Guns taken out of the hands of normal americans, he has constantly voted for this.

2-Absolute abortion rights to any woman who seeks them regardless of term.

3-Give more money to those on assistance, thus raising our taxes.

4-Dialoge with terrorist countries, has he even stated that for Israel?

How can anyone vote for this? Are you Americans or not. Get a clue, McCain is NOT George Bush anymore than Obama is. In fact McCain has not voted for alot of things Bush has tried to pass, a nice trick by the Obama camp to profile him that way......OHHHHH i thought profiling was wrong and unfair!!!!!

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pendog, how about not voting for the party that has been involved with the downfall of our countries economic position. Ok, maybe they didn't directly do it, but for a while, they've known about it and should have done something. Many folks are willing to overlook your four points because the republican party had their shot and basically batted zero.

Cudos to GW for handling 911. He was awesome, he was great, but that's about it. Worst president ever. Would probably make a magnificent hunting partner, but he's done. Time to clear out of that house he's been renting and don't bother asking for the deposit back.

Change is going to come, one way or another whether it be the world's greatest community organizer or the maverick. My money is on the organizer, because you just can't trust that other party right now.

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Ok but to sell your soul????

No president is directly responsible for the economy, and the Dems have been in control of everything else for the past two years, look where that got us.

Are we paying a party back for bad years in office? Are we voting for someone we believe in? I'm voting against Obama because of what he stands for.

Also, I will not vote for Obama because this next president stands to impact the Supreme Court for many years to come with the appoinments that he puts up. Think of Anti gun laws they could pass.

Again i am not attacking anyone just really strongly disagree:)

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Please tell me if i'm wrong:

Obama wants:

1-Guns taken out of the hands of normal americans, he has constantly voted for this.

2-Absolute abortion rights to any woman who seeks them regardless of term.

3-Give more money to those on assistance, thus raising our taxes.

4-Dialoge with terrorist countries, has he even stated that for Israel?

How can anyone vote for this? Are you Americans or not. Get a clue, McCain is NOT George Bush anymore than Obama is. In fact McCain has not voted for alot of things Bush has tried to pass, a nice trick by the Obama camp to profile him that way......OHHHHH i thought profiling was wrong and unfair!!!!!

You are wrong on all 4 points.

Sorry just factually not correct.

Might just want to check the facts, and I am not talking about checking them from you tube or an Obama sponsored site or what you heard on cnn.

Might want to look over his voting record, here is a link

Source for below information

No litmus test; nominate to Court based on their fairness. (Oct 2008)

1990: Wrote law article that that fetus cannot sue mother. (Aug 2008)

FactCheck: Abortions HAVE gone down under Pres. Bush. (Aug 2008)

Ok for state to restrict late-term partial birth abortion. (Apr 2008)

We can find common ground between pro-choice and pro-life. (Apr 2008)

Undecided on whether life begins at conception. (Apr 2008)

Teach teens about abstinence and also about contraception. (Apr 2008)

GovWatch: Obama's "present" votes were a requested strategy. (Feb 2008)

Expand access to contraception; reduce unintended pregnancy. (Feb 2008)

Rated 100% by NARAL on pro-choice votes in 2005, 2006 & 2007. (Jan 2008)

Voted against banning partial birth abortion. (Oct 2007)

Stem cells hold promise to cure 70 major diseases. (Aug 2007)

Trust women to make own decisions on partial-birth abortion. (Apr 2007)

Extend presumption of good faith to abortion protesters. (Oct 2006)

Constitution is a living document; no strict constructionism. (Oct 2006)

Moral accusations from pro-lifers are counterproductive. (Oct 2004)

Pass the Stem Cell Research Bill. (Jun 2004)

Protect a woman's right to choose. (May 2004)

Opposed born-alive treatment law because it was already law. (Oct 2008)

Supports Roe v. Wade. (Jul 1998)

Voted NO on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP. (Mar 2008)

Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)

Voted YES on expanding research to more embryonic stem cell lines. (Apr 2007)

Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)

Voted YES on $100M to reduce teen pregnancy by education & contraceptives. (Mar 2005)

Sponsored bill providing contraceptives for low-income women. (May 2006)

Rated 0% by the NRLC, indicating a pro-choice stance. (Dec 2006)

Ensure access to and funding for contraception. (Feb 2007)

Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)

FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008)

Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008)

Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)

2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)

Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)

Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)

Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)

Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004)

Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998)

Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)

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pendog, spin it how you want to. It's all about guilt by association at this point. You're right, no president is fully responsible. However, it was under his watch. He's supposed to be running this country. He's supposed to have top advisors telling him what is going wrong. He let us all down (middle america). Now that's a pretty tough job he's got and I don't truly blame him (Bush) for all the problems in this country, but he let the American people down. That's a record I can't trust. McCain is a good man. I think he's funny and he's sincere. Unfortunately, he's been associated with part of the problem and his campaign has been dismal at best, so unorganized, unispirational (to a national degree), pathetic, and out of gas.

If he pulls it out, great, awesome! What a story! Comeback kid, that's for sure. Unfortunately, I strongly believe it has been too very little and too very late.

I see the Obama UHaul parked out front of the White House. I wonder which neighbor will be kind enough to send a welcome to the neighborhood gift, like a nice good ole American apple pie. Hmmmm.

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The road will be a hard one. But today will be the first step in the right direction. Get out and vote for however you think will do the best job. They are both great Americans and solid leaders with slightly different visions of America's future but unified in a vision for better days ahead. However, you can't just pray for better have to make the hard choices to turn that into reality.

Don't think Obama is great or necessarily an American.

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President Elect Obama is a pragmatist and a really is a centrist. Pragmatism says that you can protect 2nd ammendment rights and sportsmens issues while also passying laws that attempt to keep high powered weopons out of the hands of criminals, gang bangers, wife beaters and convicted felons. The idea that there are no gun laws or rules on who can own guns is simply absurd. You have to drive a car but not to own or carry a gun...that just doesn't make sense.

On abortion...Obama has said there is common ground that pro-choice and pro-life people feel that abortion is morrally repugniant. No woman sets off to get an abortion or uses it as a form of birth control (there are certianly much cheaper, safer and less invasive forms of birth control) However, to say that no women regardless of medical nesacity or circumstance has access to an abortion is aburd. I don't know if you have a wife or daughter but you certianly have a mother. Imagine for a second that your wife was brutally raped and become pregnant? Or that you that this loved one would likely die in the event that a pregnancy continued? I don't know about you but I am not going to tell my wife after she has been raped that she has to carry the rapist child to term.

On your third point you can make an arguement here. I would say that from where I sit...I don't think that a $500 tax credit to those making the least income in this country is that big of a deal. However, I think that tax breaks for the middle class are one powerful tool in fixing this economy and restoring the american dream.

On your fourth point...what President Obama has said is that he will partake dialog with Iran's President. The Bush administration has refused to even talk with him unless he agrees to conssisions b/f hand and has enganged in constant saber ratteling. They have finnally realized that this was not the best policy. This doesn't make much sense to me. Also...I am not sure what you mean by terroist nations? I assume you mean Iran but please explain.

On the birth certificate stuff...that doesn't even deserve a response. Pure idiocy.

Sorry about the poor spelling...I am watching Fox, CNN at the same time.

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President Elect Obama is a pragmatist and a really is a centrist. Pragmatism says that you can protect 2nd ammendment rights and sportsmens issues while also passying laws that attempt to keep high powered weopons out of the hands of criminals, gang bangers, wife beaters and convicted felons. The idea that there are no gun laws or rules on who can own guns is simply absurd. You have to drive a car but not to own or carry a gun...that just doesn't make sense.

On abortion...Obama has said there is common ground that pro-choice and pro-life people feel that abortion is morrally repugniant. No woman sets off to get an abortion or uses it as a form of birth control (there are certianly much cheaper, safer and less invasive forms of birth control) However, to say that no women regardless of medical nesacity or circumstance has access to an abortion is aburd. I don't know if you have a wife or daughter but you certianly have a mother. Imagine for a second that your wife was brutally raped and become pregnant? Or that you that this loved one would likely die in the event that a pregnancy continued? I don't know about you but I am not going to tell my wife after she has been raped that she has to carry the rapist child to term.

On your third point you can make an arguement here. I would say that from where I sit...I don't think that a $500 tax credit to those making the least income in this country is that big of a deal. However, I think that tax breaks for the middle class are one powerful tool in fixing this economy and restoring the american dream.

On your fourth point...what President Obama has said is that he will partake dialog with Iran's President. The Bush administration has refused to even talk with him unless he agrees to conssisions b/f hand and has enganged in constant saber ratteling. They have finnally realized that this was not the best policy. This doesn't make much sense to me. Also...I am not sure what you mean by terroist nations? I assume you mean Iran but please explain.

On the birth certificate stuff...that doesn't even deserve a response. Pure idiocy.

Sorry about the poor spelling...I am watching Fox, CNN at the same time.

So you are denying that Obama voted to ban semi autos? You are denying that Obama endorsed legislation to ban handguns in Illinois? You are denying that every piece of anti gun legislation that Obama has seen he has supported? Might just want to check the record. Does not sound like someone who supports 2nd ammendment rights to me, but hey what do I know I simply reviewed the man's record.:eek::(

On abortion, it is above Obama's pay grade to answer questions regarding when life begins, pretty clear where he stands. He does not support the right of the unborn living fetus, but rather supports the right for the mother to make a decision regardless of how far along the child may be.

I punched in some numbers at Obama's website and it said my family(working class family with 3 children in the neighborhood what you so nicely called the bum status) would get a whopping $3 difference under Obama's plan, however it did not take into account that McCain planned to double the child tax credits, so that really is not an accurate calculator. Realistically Obama intends to repeal the Bush tax cuts which gave us more of our own money back. Think of all the issues this one is not real clear how it will factor out for us, but I don't think a $3 difference if that holds true is going to help us improve the economy, especially not when the corporations and people who are creating jobs are getting hit with higher taxes which will only likely send things further into a recession with yet more jobs lost.

On the point of Iran, Henry Kissinger I think it is pretty safe to agree on is pretty knowledgeable man when it comes to foreign affairs (much more knowledgeable than I ever will be), it was an outright lie when Obama stood before the American people in debate and suggested that Kissinger supported the idea of talking to dictators of those countries without pre-conditions. Kissinger went on record and made it clear that he did not support Obama's ideas in that regard and if I am not mistaken suggested it was foolish.

I am not pendog, but would be nice to hear some debate with factual content here and I look forward to your reply, especially on gun control.

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Well first time back on since yesterday, WE LOST. All of us. I am not bitter, i am just going to pray alot more.

We will see how he votes and who he puts in Supreme Court. That is where they will try to take our guns.

Can someone tell me what the actual percentage of abortions due to rape are? I honestly don't know. I can answer that i would suggest having the baby and puting it up for adoption, i would not kill it.

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