Electoral Votes


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Florida, Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio determine who our next president will be. My prediction is that Florida and Virginia go McCain, Ohio and Pennsylvania will be close. Obama only needs one of those four states to win, unless McCain can pull an upset somewhere else.

Regardless of the electoral outcome, Obama will win the popular vote by a wide margin because he'll get so many votes from California, New York and Illinois. If McCain does pull out an electoral victory, look for the lawsuits to fly thick and fast from the Obama camp. That's why he wanted that additional $150 million from his supporters at the last minute.

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Obama will get the popular vote in IL due to Chicago and the metroeast St. Louis area. I'd guess 2/3 to 3/4 of the counties in our state will go to McCain, but the big ones in the aforementioned areas go to BHO. So basically, the votes of anyone outside of the Corrupt Chicagoland Democratic Republic and the Metroeast don't matter.

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I don't think Pa and OH will be very close and go to Obama. FL should also be a win for Obama. I predict MO will be a close win for McCain.

MO historically has predicted the winner in all elections over the past 100 years with the exception of one.

Despite the landslide predictions I believe it will be a bit closer.

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