Speaking of the French


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For all of you that may find it offensive that we commonly refer to the French as “IDIOTS”, then maybe just maybe you’ll start seeing our reasoning.

It seems that the good French President Jacques Chirac has come up with an idea to fight the war on AIDS. He is suggesting that the entire world be taxed to finance the fight against AIDS. That's right, he wants taxing authority on the rest of the world. Isn't that just fine?

Chirac proposed this “world tax” at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland this week. Chirac says billions on top of the already billions donated would be raised if he could tax all international financial transactions, fuel of air and sea travel and a tax on all airline ticket sales.

Our taxes aren't high enough already. Now we should have our wealth seized to pay for health care for people who engage in irresponsible sexual activities!

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Re: Speaking of the French

That is a typical proposal that would come out of his mouth and the country of France!!

It is proposals like this that leaves no doubt in my mind that the UN needs to be shoved into the river and forgotten about!

Since when should we even listen to such rubbish that a foreign leader proposes taxes on us??

Tax France, Gemany and Russia! They can afford to pay it with all the money they have made on Iraqi oil!!!

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Re: Speaking of the French

Buckee - we forgive the French Canadians - they can't be lumped into the same group as these idiots - it obvious that you've tried to escape - you're half way around the world from them!

Oh and for you American's - I'll bet you're glad Bush won so he could give them the finger. John Kerry would have been all over this idea - that you can count on.

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Re: Speaking of the French


John Kerry would have been all over this idea - that you can count on.

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Yep, and then people of other countries would say look at those idiotic Americans based on what Kerry was saying even though most of us would disagree with his view crazy.gifgrin.gifconfused.gif.

No doubt Chirac is an idiot, he has proven that over and over.

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Re: Speaking of the French

Yeah, you know maybe those in other countries feel the same way about us. Who cares. Just because an elected leader from any given country makes a rear out of himself with comments does not mean that everyone in that country agrees with him/her. Prime example, look at Hillary and the state of New York. Does she really represent the state all that well?

Kind of ignorant in a sense really to even make those type assumptions. But like you say who really cares.

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Re: Speaking of the French

Lets just outlaw all forms of intorcourse all together... that and bleeding lol.

The HIV virus is a terrible thing. I donate money to the victims and to charitys that help Aids victims. But somewhere along the line we must take into account the Marginal Costs and Benifits to these peole lives. ITs a hard thing to do but a value on a life yes.. kinda sick to. But if Aids spreads like it has been, and if no cure is found. I think the world needs to save itself from destruction. I think somewhere down the line we will do what we did with Lepors and put them in a Quarentine where they can live out the reset of their life without somehow infecting the healthy population. The costs of this will be human lives losts, the benefit will be a healthy poopulaion with out the Virus. Sounds kinda sick like the hitlers final soulution yes...but I think if it keeps getting bad like it is the world will have no choice. confused.gif

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Re: Speaking of the French


I think somewhere down the line we will do what we did with Lepors and put them in a Quarentine where they can live out the reset of their life without somehow infecting the healthy population.

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Dont see that ever happening, at least not in my lifetime.


Sounds kinda sick like the hitlers final soulution yes...but I think if it keeps getting bad like it is the world will have no choice.

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Sure does sound bad. The thought of innocent children born into disease being cast out seems very harsh and cruel.

Dont realistically see a worldwide taxing authority in my lifetime either.

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Re: Speaking of the French

Just curious, if there was a world wide tax authority who would be paying the majority of the taxes?Suppose all countries would be taxed equally?Would all the little third world countries be asked to kick in as much as everyone else or would it be a bunch of countries that really hated us getting together to take more US money?

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