Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


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I’ve been reading about this for a few days and have held back until now.

It seems that Lee County Florida has adopted a Black Advisory Board to identify areas in the county that need work to help the black communities. Great idea, this is what we need more of. People actually trying to help themselves!

Well it seems that the board has come up with a nifty little idea to make life better for blacks, the perfect solution – the end all of end alls for solving all problems. I know, you’re dying to hear it so here goes.

The board has proposed that Lee County needs to change the name of the county. Yes its true, Lee County was named after Robert E. Lee and the board is going to propose that the name be changed because it was named after a Confederate General.

Now you can call me a racist all you want and you know what, you’re probably more correct than incorrect. But it’s stupidity like this that has reduced myself and others to racism.

Do you think that this advisory board cares that Lee wasn’t a slave owner or that Lee himself was very outspoken and anti-slave and that Lee even said that if he thought the Civil War was about slavery he would have joined the Union? No, I don’t think they know or that they even care about truthfully portraying history, this is merely playing the race card.

Want to improve things? Get rid of all these idiots trying to improve things....

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board

Playing the race card for sure and it does nothing for anyone. Plain stupidty.

When I went to school in Florida I remember something about either a Robert E Lee school or library or something that they were fussing about changing the name of. That has been over 25 years ago.

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


I have to agree with you there John.

It's stuff like this that just promotes racism. Racism is ramped on both sides of the coin, but you hardly ever here anyone call anyone other than a white-man racist these days. Why is that ??? confused.gif

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Why? Because we have allowed it to happen. Can anyone name the only white person in the past 30 years that has challenged the Supreme Court on rulings for minorities?

I'll give you a hint - it was in 1977 and the guy won the case.

To date we (and I mean white folks) have allowed ourselves to be driven into a hole to where we can't even speak about it for fear of getting drug into court.

We have allowed racist ideas to be turned into reality without even speaking out. You see what a small group can do don;t you? Why can't a large group accomplish the same?

Racism is running rampid throughout America and it's all because we have allowed things like Black Entertainment Television, Miss Black America, the NAACP and the United Negro Fund to exsist.

For racism to finally be abolished, every race will have to realize that ALL men were created equal.

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


Racism is running rampid throughout America and it's all because we have allowed things like Black Entertainment Television, Miss Black America, the NAACP and the United Negro Fund to exsist.

For racism to finally be abolished, every race will have to realize that ALL men were created equal.

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Amen. Been saying this very same thing for a long long time.

What do you guys suppose would happen if there was a Miss White America or a United White American College Fund?

For things to ever get better they have to want it to get better and they have to drop the racism. So long as those "minorities" want to continue to have seperation the problem will never go away. The racism is kept alive for the most part by those who claim that they are discriminated against. If they really wanted equality for all mankind there would be no reason for the racist institutions that exist today to continue to be in existance.

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board

Parrothead, I agree with what you're saying.. Racism comes from both sides.

It really irritates me when people start screaming funding for this group and that group based on color. When someone gets a job based on color, not education or experience. When people want to be paid for their ancestors treatment (I've got a lot of Cherokee and Choctaw in me, where's my money)When certain groups gripe about funding for their education because they're of a certain color. I say dont' give me that crap, I went to public schools, I joined the millitary to pay for school, I took out loans to pay my education expenses(still paying those too) and succeeded. Everyone has the exact same opportunities and choices I had. It's what you choose and the way you decide to live your life that makes you the person you are.

All that begins at home and how your parents rear you.

Which brings on another gripe, if you can't afford to have a kid, quit having them and don't pay those that do.

Ok, blood boiling.. gotta stop thinking about this

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


Racism is running rampid throughout America and it's all because we have allowed things like Black Entertainment Television, Miss Black America, the NAACP and the United Negro Fund to exsist.

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Yeah, how many times have I brought this up in the last year. I wonder what the black community would do if the white people started their own white television shows and white only college fund. I think the US needs to take a look at who the real minorities are these days!

I mean I know this is a stupid example byt look at the American Idol TV show the last few years. Last year the black community said that if that black girl didn't win, it was because the show is racist. OK, so I guess a black person needs to win every year just to keep them happy. See that is the stuff that P's ME OFF and it's like that with everything toomad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


I wonder what the black community would do if the white people started their own white television shows and white only college fund

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We already have lots of white tv shows (although not a "white network" that has been labeled as such, and that is what I am assuming you were talking about)

The next minority is going to be the white male. But the problem is if you guys go and start your own group, you are going to be seen as a KKK sort of group. Unfortunately, the white males will have to wait until they are blatently being discriminated against before they will be able to start a group that supports them.

I don't have a problem with different races having their own tv networks, beauty contest, or anything like that, but it seems contra-productive to the equality they are searching for.

When a white man is discriminated against it is labeled as reverse discrimination....silly me, I thought discrimination was discrimination, period.

As wnthunt said, all of this separation that the minorities are pushing for is only making the problem worse.

I don't think what has been written by anyone here has been racist. It is stupid to think a simple name change is going to do anything. Those must be some really productive meetings that group is holding. It's sad that they are given the money to start this task group and that is the best they can come up with?

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board



I wonder what the black community would do if the white people started their own white television shows and white only college fund

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We already have lots of white tv shows (although not a "white network" that has been labeled as such, and that is what I am assuming you were talking about)

The next minority is going to be the white male. But the problem is if you guys go and start your own group, you are going to be seen as a KKK sort of group. Unfortunately, the white males will have to wait until they are blatently being discriminated against before they will be able to start a group that supports them.

I don't have a problem with different races having their own tv networks, beauty contest, or anything like that, but it seems contra-productive to the equality they are searching for.

When a white man is discriminated against it is labeled as reverse discrimination....silly me, I thought discrimination was discrimination, period.

As wnthunt said, all of this separation that the minorities are pushing for is only making the problem worse.

I don't think what has been written by anyone here has been racist. It is stupid to think a simple name change is going to do anything. Those must be some really productive meetings that group is holding. It's sad that they are given the money to start this task group and that is the best they can come up with?

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I actually agree with a lot of what you just said....I think confused.gif And your right, if the white people started thier own programs, we would be considered KKK or whoever else. It's like racism only works one way mad.gif Totally BS

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board


We already have lots of white tv shows (although not a "white network" that has been labeled as such, and that is what I am assuming you were talking about)

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Not really in the same sense. I dont think there are any television shows produced and broadcast on channels geared exclusively only towards white people.

On the other hand there is for blacks. There is black only mags and black only funds. There are standards for acceptance at schools which are in many cases lower for blacks. I may be wrong, but that does not hardly seem fair or equal, and if you are seeking equality, shouldnt that mean equality for all PERIOD.

Why is it that a black kid with lower ACT scores than myself in high school got the majority of their school paid for while I had to pay my own way? No one can tell me it doesnt happen I had a black friend in high school that went to I think it was FAMU(a black school if I am not mistaken) on lesser scores than mine, and he said if he had my scores he would have had a full ride. That brings another issue to the table in that why if they really wanted to end the seperation have blacks kept open black only schools? Does not make much sense to me to scream we need equality but then not accept others into their group when it does not benefit their own.


The next minority is going to be the white male. But the problem is if you guys go and start your own group, you are going to be seen as a KKK sort of group. Unfortunately, the white males will have to wait until they are blatently being discriminated against before they will be able to start a group that supports them.

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It is already happening. When colleges have quotas where they have to accept blacks over whites due to numbers or factories have to hire so many minorities over whites. That seems to me to be reverse discrimination. What really can we do about it. If we say anything we are labeled as racists or bigots. No one seems to care about the rights of the white people.


I don't have a problem with different races having their own tv networks, beauty contest, or anything like that, but it seems contra-productive to the equality they are searching for.

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Thank you, I agree with that completley. I dont really have a problem with it either, but I will say that in my lifetime I have seen several Miss America winners not be white, but have never seen a Miss Black America not be black. Seems to me that the discrimination is very much kept alive by the "minorities" keeping themselves seperated. In keeping alive these very same black only pagents and shows they are seeking to keep the very thing they cry about alive and growing.

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board



Why is it that a black kid with lower ACT scores than myself in high school got the majority of their school paid for while I had to pay my own way?

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Because you were a smart-**** white boy.

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pretty much sums it up right there...look at the University of Michigan.

marking black on your application put you a hundred points ahead of every white kid trying to get in.

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board




Why is it that a black kid with lower ACT scores than myself in high school got the majority of their school paid for while I had to pay my own way?

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Because you were a smart-**** white boy.

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pretty much sums it up right there...look at the University of Michigan.

marking black on your application put you a hundred points ahead of every white kid trying to get in.

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Exactly, how is that considered equality confused.gif. That is in every sense discrimination!

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Re: Lee County, Fl. And the Black Advisory Board

I guess I won't tell you of my evening in a Detroit Mall and Multiplex the day before I was to have dental surgery. I was definitely being profiled as if I was from another planet or crazy to be one of the very few white people in the place. I still remember the stares as well as the whispers. I just smiled and nodded and went about my business as I passed the time.

It was an awakening of sorts to realize that racism more than likely has put them here in these kind of numbers. It was quite the experience to say the least. It was not only blacks, but many Latino and orientals as well as a mix of all color. I really had no fear. I think they respected that I was at ease among them. At ease on the outside, but very untrusting on the inside knowing of the racism in their hearts. I found that out long ago, but thats another story.

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