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No hogdawg it's not what people wanted that got him in!!It's the welfare promises he made and the promise to give 1500 stimulis(sp) check verses honest mcains 150!!Now imho it would be illegal(or should be)to promise money if elected!!This country has been self destructing for some time now and it showed lastnight!!!They seen dollar signs instead of truth!!I live in a low income town!!I was talking to someone lastnight and as it became clear who won that person was looking forward to her check!!How low can people be!!I'm glad i work for a living and am not sold out easily!!Here at work it is like someone has died!!It sucks and only god can help us now!!

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Unfortunately it looks as if the Lord has done what He said he would do... he's given us over to our own desires. I hope everyone enjoys those desires. As for me I'm sick, not because a black man has won... I find that to me commendable. I'm sick because of the platform on which he ran. I wonder what life will be like as my child grows older. I fear that we have seen America at her greatest and we're on the slippery slope downward. And for those who may view that statement as unpatriotic, I am a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom. I'm an infantryman who has seen combat and still am serving in our nations armed forces. I'm not tooting my horn, just saying I'm about as patriotic as a person could be, but I'm finding less and less worth fighting for here... I'm not sure where this great nation is heading and it scares me. May God have mercy on us and may we as Christians be bold to change the world we live in, for I believe that is our nations only hope.

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  Swamphunter said:
...Well, enjoy the ride..... each and every one of you that voted for him, and when we can't hunt because we can't possess firearms, we'll thank you, and you can thank yourself. When you can't afford ammo, firearms, because of the huge tax and we are giving more to the welfare that can help themselves but choose not too...maybe you will remember this so called great day in American history

He IS NOT my President. :mad:

Unbelievable... just unfreakin' believable

Ken, I understand how you live your life upholding the Law as a Law Enforcement Officer. I respect you and what you stand for, the sacrifices you've made, and why you've made them.

I'll tell you right now, as your friend, that we may have to part ways.

I will refuse to give up my rights as a gun owner through civil disobedience. There may soon be a time in the future that I will become an "Outlaw" because I refuse to give up my guns and exercise my rights against unfair laws, regulations, or other "Executive Orders" enacted by this New President.

He IS the New President...and I have every right as an American to dis-obey.

Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence.

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  GWSmith said:
Ken, I understand how you live your life upholding the Law as a Law Enforcement Officer. I respect you and what you stand for, the sacrifices you've made, and why you've made them.

I'll tell you right now, as your friend, that we may have to part ways.

I will refuse to give up my rights as a gun owner through civil disobedience. There may soon be a time in the future that I will become an "Outlaw" because I refuse to give up my guns and exercise my rights against unfair laws, regulations, or other "Executive Orders" enacted by this New President.

He IS the New President...and I have every right as an American to dis-obey.

Civil disobedience is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands and commands of a government, or of an occupying power, without resorting to physical violence.

GW... I'll be in a cell right next to ya then....I AM NOT giving up my firearms for any reason what-so-ever. The criminals will still have theirs, and this criminal will want to be able to defend myself and my family from those criminals.

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  AceArcher said:
Yes it is unbelieveable. This is a great day in the history of our country I am sure Abe Lincoln and Martin Luthur King Jr. are looking down on our great nation and smiling. If you didn't have a chance to listen to McCain's consecion speech then you should look it up. This man has a lot of class and even though there was much mud slung from his camp he is now fully behind our next President.

Oh yeah, the young and ignorant have spoken and have given our country it's savior.:cool:

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  Swamphunter said:
GW... I'll be in a cell right next to ya then....I AM NOT giving up my firearms for any reason what-so-ever. The criminals will still have theirs, and this criminal will want to be able to defend myself and my family from those criminals.

We're not criminals...Yet

We are and have been Americans with rights. We've gotten used to having those rights and we're not letting anyone take them away. We've defended our Families in the past and we will continue to do so in the future.

So for many of us the Future will seemingly not change...but it will. There will be times when instead of saying we would protect our families or rights, like in the past, we will physically have to do so.

We know how to work...the Action;)

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