Our new President


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we just elected a former muslim with radical ties to a known terrorist group...Then there's getting rid of the secret ballot, taxing small business.....

What ppl failed to realize is that this bs about taxing the rich business owners will bite us in the rear end b/c they are rich for a reason......They will just pass those increased taxes on to the consumer via increased price of goods sold.....

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being young myself (20) i can proudly say i voted McCain... i do believe we are in serious trouble now that Obama is going to be the next President... i just wish there was more youths out there that voted McCain... i know i did, as did most of my friends... it just wasn't enough...

Congrats on your first election, and thank's for voting McCain.

It's a shame some people just don't understand....This is my second election, and I voted a straght ticket both times. Too bad I'm in a historically red state, let alon the home state of Barack Hussein Obama........

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Time to sit back and watch the Chaos unfold. It looks like they have control of everything so our hands are tied.

Im going to bed...... I doubt I can sleep but im going to bed anyway. Looks like prayer is the only hope we have for this country and our freedoms.

On that note ill leave you one final thought, Cuba Missile Crisis. It wont be long before our soil becomes target for more attacks....

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I'm a youth-ish college student and i cried when i saw he won, I'm going out tomorrow to stock up on ammo cause i dont want to pay 400 time the sticker price now to own it.

I'm running into the hills to live off the land someone come find me when the end of modern civilization is over

also the next time we get attacked by some terrorist we will get to go, "Oh I'm sorry we made you attack us, what can we give you/do for you to make you be our friends, we would really like to be friends with you. Can we give you some money or get rid of our military or adopt your religion and get rid of ours to make you feel more welcome?"

and then, "We can go to mexico and say hey if you want to be part of this country that would be great just come on over and we'll take a few thousand dollars from a few different hard WORKING U.S. family's and pay for you a house and food and car till u find a job that pays you $80,000 dollars a year, and those of you who originally broke the law and came here illigeally, you can have that too, so just come on down and get your big sack-o-tax money."

Edited by MichiganHunter
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being young myself (20) i can proudly say i voted McCain... i do believe we are in serious trouble now that Obama is going to be the next President... i just wish there was more youths out there that voted McCain... i know i did, as did most of my friends... it just wasn't enough...

Same here...I can say I am in the minority of my friends when I say that I voted McCain...most couldnt give me a reason except for "change"...ingnorance, I cant believe it:confused::confused::confused:

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Same here...I can say I am in the minority of my friends when I say that I voted McCain...most couldnt give me a reason except for "change"...ingnorance, I cant believe it:confused::confused::confused:

IGNORANCE!!! Key word my friend!!! 98% of African Americans voted Obama. I'm doubting that has to do with their agreement with his policies.

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Call me racist, but whats the deal with the media showing nothing but blacks celebrating and talking about how now african american males can dream and have futures....blah blah blah, what the **** would be said if mccain won and we talked how white males could now have dreams, and futures. This sickens me to no end. Screw Obama.

Couldn't agree more Kyle. Racism in this country is getting turned around to where blacks can say anything about whites and it's ok, but if whites so much as deny a black person a hello, they get in trouble.:(:mad:

I'm not racist but this is a load of crock. Obama is not my president, he is "asking people for a chance!!" This is terrible. He is going to try to disarm Americans, and he wants to completely rework the Constitution that has served this country for 200+ friggin years. MAKES NO SENSE!!!:mad:

Edited by Bowtech_archer07
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At least I know I voted based on pure issues rather than emotion, race, fanfair, free hand outs, empty vague promises, white guilt, or good old fasion "jump on the bandwagon" reasons!

Watching this celebration right now, I feel like I am watching some liberal European counrty the way people are acting. Oh wait, we are now more liberal than those countries!

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Ain't that the truth ChasinTail. I am in college and live in the college town, and these college students are going crazy. They don't realize that the money they and me are spending is going to be really hard to pay back when they can't get a job because Obama has given them to illegal aliens and Mexicans because they are minorities.

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Buckee you got any room up there for me? Im ready to hightail it outta here!!!!!!!! What is this world come'n too. Guess I better stock up on powder and lead. Heck while i'm at it I better buy some more arrows too, never know what could happen after this.:mad::mad::mad:

Just dont forget ladies and gents.... country boys and girls will survive!!

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I think I will go and buy an AR-15 now with 10 30 rd. mags so that I, too may be one of those evil black rifle toting mass murderers with more than 5 rounds of ammunition!!! AHHHHH!!!!! Why do the states with all the crazies(Texas excluded of course) get to have the most electoral votes???

I'm 19 and I voted for McCain.

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I find it funny how the country is split right on the borders of the civil war. Anyone else notice that?

Pretty close to being true. Don't think I find it in any way funny though, actually kind of scarey to be honest.

You arent the majority. Most young people I know wanted Osama for Change and they remain ignorant. I honestly believe the masses did no research on this election..

Afraid this is true for the most part, most who have said they support Obama know absolutely nothing about his voting record. The you tubers, the liberal media, and the sponsored sites telling people who did not know any better were used for forming their opinions and on that Obama won with his promise of change, most of those voters do not even know what that change will mean to them. We will see pretty quick into his administration what kind of change he will bring.

My 12 year old has already asked about moving to Canada.:(

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Did anyone pick up on the subliminal decree made by Obama?

“…Hello, Chicago,” he begins. “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time,” Obama says, “tonight is your answer.” “Its a long time coming, but because of what we did on this day, at this defining moment, change has come to America,” he says…”

Who in American history said, “I have a DREAM…” :confused::confused:

When you figure that out, you will know who Obama considers to be your ‘founders’…because your actual founders, according to your history, gave this no consideration at all. ;)


Edited by Bob LeBlanc
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January 1, 2009........................the day the greatest nation on the face of the Earth begins its downward spiral.........:(

Keep your guns loaded boys, the fight will be here soon...........

I think the downward spiral started when W was elected. Seeing all you guys panic like its the end of the free world is hilarious to me!!!! Dont worry your boy Bush has this country so screwed up now that it really didnt matter who got elected, its gonna take more than 4 years to clean up his mess. Atleast now you can all blame it on Obama!!!

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Actually Craig Mack, this countrys downward spiral was all brought on by Clinton if you knew anything at all!! He is the reason that we are in a terrible ecinomic state.. W just had too much on his plate when he took office ecspecially after 9/11.. Dont you remember that clinton was the one that wanted everyone, regardless of how much money you made, to be able to own a home that is why he made it possible by voting for low or no interest loans!! Yeah now you see how that turned out with all of these financial institutions going belly up or our government having to bail them out!!

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