Reluctant to announce it but...


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I've taken my first archery deer. Not only that, it was after only 45 minutes of my very first time in a tree stand with a weapon. I grunted a few times, bleated a few times, and he walked in. I dropped him on the spot, never ran a single step. I hit him high shoulder and spined him, no tracking necessary - from 22 yards.

SO... why the reluctance? After all this is my first archery deer. Basically I shot Bambi. Probably a year old. Matter of fact, until I was down off the stand and at the deer I though it was a small doe. Tured out to be a yearling button buck. I was so angry with myself I couldn't bring myself to brag about any part of it. Even worse, I took pictures and realize, with me in the picture for reference, how small the deer really is.

None-the-less, it has been a great learning experience. I'll know next time to really size up that deer before I let it fly. If I can get over it I'll post some pics but, really, its pathetic.

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Congrats on your first bowkill! Nothing to be ashamed of. If anybody in this place that has killed a number of deer says it hasn't happened to them, they're full of it. ;) You said it yourself, it was a great learning experience and you learned a bunch from the experience, that's what matters. Again, congrats on getting the skunk off your back, they'll come a bit easier now...;)

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Congrats on your first bowkill! Nothing to be ashamed of. If anybody in this place that has killed a number of deer says it hasn't happened to them, they're full of it. ;) You said it yourself, it was a great learning experience and you learned a bunch from the experience, that's what matters. Again, congrats on getting the skunk off your back, they'll come a bit easier now...;)

Ditto!!! Nothing to be ashamed of. Congrats on getting your first one with a bow.

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Congrats on your first bowkill! Nothing to be ashamed of. If anybody in this place that has killed a number of deer says it hasn't happened to them, they're full of it. ;) You said it yourself, it was a great learning experience and you learned a bunch from the experience, that's what matters. Again, congrats on getting the skunk off your back, they'll come a bit easier now...;)

Ditto...congrats on your first bow kill and don't beat yourself up. We've all been there before too. ;)

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Hey man quit beating yourself up. Any kill with a bow is a trophy, no matter how big or small. I harvested a button buck 2 years ago, that being my 7th year of bowhunting, thinking it was a mature doe. My father has killed many button bucks and yearling deer because when they come in alone, they look bigger. My first deer was a yearling doe and I was as proud of her as I am of my 140" 10 ptr that I have on the wall. Deer, especially does or yearlings make it extremely difficult to tell how big they are, especially if they come in alone. Again, taking any animal with a bow is a great accomplishment, and you should be proud especially with it being your first bow kill. I beat myself up for a while because I shot a button buck, but people told me the same thing and it helped. I hope this helps you.

Congrats again, and don't be too hard on yourself;)

Edited by Bowtech_archer07
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