Reluctant to announce it but...


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Congrats on your first bowkill! Nothing to be ashamed of. If anybody in this place that has killed a number of deer says it hasn't happened to them, they're full of it. ;) You said it yourself, it was a great learning experience and you learned a bunch from the experience, that's what matters. Again, congrats on getting the skunk off your back, they'll come a bit easier now...;)

LOL--ditto with Randy. Nothing to be ashamed of. A bowkill is a bowkill.

And I have news for you, buttons are some good eating. :D

What they said! :D Congrats! :cool:

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Awesome job on a succcessful first hunt ... you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of at all ... it hard enough to take any deer let alone one you call in on your first hunt ... your hunt was full of success and other then maybe shot placement it was perfect ... you did everything right and it worked out perfectly for you.

I wouldnt be ashamed not one bit.


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Nothing wrong with a legal harvest. Congrats!

BTW--I'm nominating the Ohiobuck's post for post of the decade. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Chris' expression is priceless in that second pic.:D

Man, I killed that deer dead. First deer with the Rage. Perfect, quartering away, right through the off shoulder, dead in 15 seconds. Mom was lucky she stayed under the beech tree branches because I really wanted her. :cool:

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Congradulations!!!!!!!! You are now qualified to be a member of the prestigious organization of the famous Scrubmasters. Dedicated to the managing of the whitetails not so desirable for the average hunter. Heck I have seen someone take a spotted deer before. I guess he took it literially when someone told him to pick a spot and shoot. We have all taken deer that we shouldn't have but thats the lesson of life. Live and learn. I bet that knothead will eat really good though. I can almost smell him cooking, MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! No shame in taking a deer mistaken as a Doe. Happens all the time. It's not a good feeling but it happens. Enjoy the meat......

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