WHo do I blame?


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I work in the oil and gas exploration industry, have done so for the last 9yrs, before that, 10yrs US ARMY. Had 3 jobs in my LIFETIME. But now that the Dems( puke) are in control, and the chances of future drilling going down the tubes, when the company I work for starts to downsize, and I lose my job and potentially everything I have worked my butt off for for the last 20yrs who do will I get to blame? Let me guess, it's ALL Bush's fault, huh? Not hardly, it will be the democrat's and their take from the greedy to give to the needytodamlazytogetofftheirbuttandworkwannastayonwelfare

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I work in the oil and gas exploration industry, have done so for the last 9yrs, before that, 10yrs US ARMY. Had 3 jobs in my LIFETIME. But now that the Dems( puke) are in control, and the chances of future drilling going down the tubes, when the company I work for starts to downsize, and I lose my job and potentially everything I have worked my butt off for for the last 20yrs who do will I get to blame? Let me guess, it's ALL Bush's fault, huh? Not hardly, it will be the democrat's and their take from the greedy to give to the needytodamlazytogetofftheirbuttandworkwannastayonwelfare

Wow you are ticked off!!And you got my support!!!

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Here's an excerpt from a piece by Michelle Malkin that I think sums it up nicely.

Sorry to break the bad news to Joe the Plumber. But the winner of Campaign 2008 is Peggy the Moocher.

Who is Peggy the Moocher? She's Peggy Joseph, a voter in Sarasota, Fla., who exulted earlier this week at a Barack Obama rally that this was “the most memorable time of my life.” Why? As she told a Florida reporter on a YouTube video that has been viewed by hundreds of thousands: “Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know. If I help [Obama], he's gonna help me.”

You can’t blame Peggy the Moocher for viewing Obama as the superior Santa Claus. With a relentless messianic campaign, a grievance-mongering wife touting him as the country’s soul-fixer and a national infomercial promising to take care of every need from night classes to medical bills, from rent to fuel-efficient cars, Obama effectively channeled Oprah Winfrey’s Big Give.

“Everybody gets a car!” “Everybody gets a car!” And gas. And mortgage payment relief.

The bailout bonanza blurred the differences between the two major political parties, but the Peggy the Moocher video shows there are still basically two starkly contrasting views of government in this country among the rank-and-file electorate. Unlike Joe the Plumber, Peggy sees government as her salvation and the president as her subsidizer-in-chief. She voted with the expectation that the Spreader of Wealth will reward her with payback. Joe just wants Washington to leave him alone to fend for himself.

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All Hail...

I see the great Hussein couldn't make the stock markets rise they once again fall, a trend I got to believe will continue for a few more years. Secondly I got sick to my stomach today listening to some guys who were not caucasia talking about they are happy a Black guy won, they didn't know anything about him but he must be a good choice because of his race. Now I am not racist but I have to believe that most of votes either came because of color, or because Mickey Mouse and Garfield him self signed there ballots and sent them in. Ill mutiny before I salute him

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