Change... Common Sense Gun Control


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1. Take the criminals off the street where they can't steal another gun

2. No parole, No probation, you steal a gun 10 yrs. mandatory sentence. Make the punishment enough of a deterrent so as the crime isn't committed and get rid of the country club mentality for our jails ( no cable, no frills, just a cot and a toilet)

3. Support conceal carry, a well armed, trained citizen is a bigger deterrent than a cop 2 miles away.

4. Acquire Target, Aim, Breathe, Squeeze, Squeeze Again

I'd rather have it and never have to use it, than to need it and not have it!!!!!

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Those are all great ideas. Let me ask...wouldn't they require laws to enact them? How do you know if a criminal is trying to buy a gun if you don't do a background check.

That is really the have some on the left who say "ban all guns" and some on the right who want everything "wide open" with no laws or rgulations. Neither of these sides will get thier way but they sure will make a lot of noise and try to get people on their side. In the end all they are are noise makers on both sides who won't ever get a single bill passed.

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Those are all great ideas. Let me ask...wouldn't they require laws to enact them? How do you know if a criminal is trying to buy a gun if you don't do a background check.

Who said anything about removing background checks here. Laws are enacted to allow for concealed carry in some states to the best of my knowledge. Last several guns I have bought, I have had to hhave abackground check, however does the guy who robs me and steals all my guns have a background check done???????

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